3rd January 2013 - QA 6

Some people say they live without food, and there is a film about this. Is this true and what do you think?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

I know a gentleman who said that he only watches sun light for food. He has mastered not eating, but sometimes he has a cup of tea with a lot of sugar in it.
See, this is about training your body. It is like in Russia how they train you in ballet. The way they bend their whole spine and the whole body is like it is made up of rubber. It took them so many days to train themselves in Russian ballet.
In the same way, if you want to train your body to live without food you can do so. But you have to do it under the guidance of one who has done it, and not just by reading books. Don’t do that. Someone who is an expert can train you, it has to be very gradual.
But why you want to do that, what is the point in it. Eat less, don’t eat too much. Yes there are people who get their energy from just the sun gazing.
In the morning you gaze because everything is energy. Our eyes are photosensitive, it’s like the solar cells, our eyes have the same quality as solar cells they can absorb energy and supply it to the body but that needs to be properly trained for. If nature had wished that way it would not have given you a mouth at all.
The mouth and all the digestive enzymes, liver and all this need to function so let them be functional also. Don’t go to those extremes.