03 October 2013 - QA 5

Gurudev, could you please elaborate on the eleven principles that Mahatma Gandhi gave to the nation.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

The first is Ahimsa, which is Non-violence.
Then comes Satya, which is Truth.
Then is Asteya, i.e., Non-stealing.
Then Brahmacharya or Celibacy.
Then Aparigraha, i.e., Non possession.
Then comes Sharirshrama, which is Physical Effort (labor).
Aswada, which is, not interested in taste. Mahatma Gandhi said your taste buds are responsible for your cravings. Eat the food not for taste but for living. See what is good for you and not the taste. Many times the taste is so good but the food is not good for you. Many times food is good for you but the taste is not good.
Then there is Sarvatra Bhayavarjana, i.e., fearlessness. Not to be afraid of anything.
Sarva Dharma Samantva, which is, considering people of all religions as equal. Some religions say, if you believe in our prophet, then you will go to heaven. Others say, if you believe in my religion then God will reward you. But Vedic religion says to consider everybody as equal, whatever mode or form of worship they may have.
Then there is Swadeshi, i.e., use of locally made goods. We should think global and buy local. Then he said Sparshbhavana, i.e., drop untouchability. There was so much practice of untouchability at that time. These are the eleven rules.