Day 3

Ms. Beatriz Goyoaga
Coordinator for Spain and Latin America, The Art of Living Foundation, Argentina

I have no desire now; I know we are all in search of the same thing – love. Love has no dimension, it is within you, it is everywhere, in the water, the baby, and look into the eyes of the dog, how the dog barks and jumps on you, love is a substratum of life. Feel grateful for everything you have.

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Ms. Sucharita Eashwar
Executive Director, WEConnect International, India

We are living through a period of rapid and unpredictable change, we don't know if we'll be hit by another Tsunami or by another global recession, but we know for sure that we have the knowledge and capability to provide food, shelter and wellbeing for every human being on this planet. But why has this not happened? The reason is that Science and Spirituality are divorced from each other.

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Ms Rekha Pillai
Head Business Process Consulting & Outsourcing Unit 
Sumeru Software Solutions

Everyone believes that if you want to make money, if you want to be successful, it has to be at the expense of others. In Sumeru, this is not the belief, we believe that I can make money, I can do well in life as an organization and I can also ensure that my client makes money, my employees make money and with the money the company makes we give back to society. It's not just about profits for us or the bonus cheque that you get, but making money so that you give something back to the society, to social development. So the whole vision and value of Sumeru is around this. It's so difficult to comprehend that a profit oriented organization can have a social vision, can have a spirituality blend-in with the vision to succeed in life.

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Venerable Master Moon
Museum of World Religions, Taiwan

Our body is actually very high tech system. It uses the six senses to perceive the outside world, but what is the connection between our body and the six senses? That's our mind, but where's the mind and what does it look life? So far, no scientific machine can find it. But I believe that we can find it through the spiritual practices.

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Bishop Dr. Barbara King
Founder/Minister, Hillside Chapel and Truth Center, Inc., USA

Women, you are the connecting link to the world, until you realise how important you are to this world, than there can be nothing else that can happen. Remember the omnipresence, one God, one life, one love, remember how you think because your thoughts and your feelings make the difference in your life. Remember how you demonstrate what you're doing, remember you have your own spiritual internet, whenever you reach out to somebody, reach out to love somebody, you're expressing your spiritual connection.

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Dr. Diana Beattie
Dean, Oman Medical College Muscat, Oman

We have to keep the human touch in Education. Teachers are definitely important to guide and stimulate their ideas and problem solving skills. When students tell me they had to think – I say yay! That's what we want you to be able to do!

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Ms. Bhagya Rangachar 
Founder Executive, Director/Managing Trustee of Children's Lovecastles Trust(CLT)

What we did have was a father who was a teacher who connected with the outside world through books. We had a library of books from Tolstoy to Dostoevsky to Albert Tame. He imbibed this love for us to connect to the outside world and that spark to explore and experiment and to innovate. So with my own children too, if you don't have the spark, it doesn't matter what infrastructure you create around them, if those two don't connect… I think that's what tech was to me was about the extension of that desire to do this.

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Mr. Shantanu Prakash
Founder & Managing Director Educomp Solutions India

We need to applaud success stories of women who have touched highs in technology oriented jobs. And there are ample examples of this going around. Everything is converging, so shouldn't women, technology and education converge? This according to me is the next big convergence and I would like to call it 'womanity'(humanity and women ) If we want, the quickest route to making the world a better place let us send more women to engineering and technology schools. I predict that in the next 10 years, more than 50 % of class of 2021 of IIT Mumbai, will be women, don't you agree with me?

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Mrs. Elisa Carter
Director, Erasmus MC, University Medical Centre, Netherlands

We need the dynamic interaction between the woman touch/intuition, for example, it you observe, there's incorrect breathing that hasn't yet registered on the monitor, you can make a decision or do something else, you cannot substitute those charts for the human interaction.

Dr. Nisha Manikantan
Ayurvedic Doctor, Sir Sri Ayurveda Centre, India

When you are in deep meditation then you can go into your causal body and can also heal your body when in that space. So please do use this technology that is much more relevant in the world.

Dr. Zahra Yousefi
Chiropractor, Washington, DC, USA

When we talk about the advance diagnostics in medicine and in saving lives….What is missing is the lack of human touch, when we talk about health.

Ms. Pacita Juan
Social Entrepreneur, Green Advocate & Founder, Figaro Coffee, Philippines

A business can only be sustainable if it has the 3 legs to stand on – Financial profitability, brings social change and environmental responsibility.

Ms. Emanuela Pallazani
CEO and Strategic Planner, T-IMMOBIL-l Italy

How does one encourage the use of eco-friendly technologies? 215 litres of water is consumed per day per person in Europe and 40% of this is consumed is for basin use. So, if we take a town with 250,000 inhabitants, it means nearly 1.5 million cube-metres saved just by using the right product. So this is the combination between the business and ecology.

Dr.Hema Hari
Conceptualizer - Bharat Gyan

What is missing today is the integrating view which integrates tech and connects it with nature, ecology environment and the inner connect of ethos, the human touch, the character and quality of a human being. That is what is missing today which is what we have to learn from our ancients. They had an ethos of sustainability and an ethos of fertility for the land. So much as this civilization developed metallurgy and everything they also focused on agriculture. They had entrusted this fertility into the hands of women.

Ms Sarika Nipunage 
Architect- Sri Sri Sumeru Realty Pvt Ltd.

Basically, the science of Vastu aims at controlling these flows of energies. When a building is designed, it needs to be oriented in a particular manner and proper directions, so that it enhances the energies to make your life happier and prosperous. The rules of Vastu ensure that the house is in harmony with its surroundings as well as the universe.

Ms. Maya Benkovich
Global Director, AstroVed, India

Over a time, I learnt astrology and I found out how amazingly scientific it is and how much the ancient Rishi's and Masters of India were so much more evolved. The modern human has lost that innate intelligence that the seers knew.

Ms. Jaya Row
Founder Vedanta Vision

So friends for all this you need to use your intellect, for all of this you need self-management and this is not taught anywhere in the world. So when you go back, go with these few ideas, that 'more is not more, more is less', 'grab and you lose, give and you gain'. In relationships, 'attach means loose, detach and you gain'. Desire, 'chase after it, you lose, let go and you win!' And you will see how wonderful your life is.

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