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  1. Meditation makes you shine like a Pearl

    Dr Nisha Manikanthan, Doctor, Bangalore My life used to be so different. I used to be trapped in my emotions and thoughts, identify myself with them and often be driven by feelings. Once I started meditating, my mind became a lot calmer. Meditation opened ...
  2. Popular, smart, talented: Recipe for a perfect college life

    I was sitting in the Café next to my old college, sipping cappucino, when my attention was drawn to an intense conversation between two young girls I recognized as my juniors. Anisha: You have a dance competition coming up, so instead of practicing togeth ...
  3. Srinivas Uppaluri's Success Mantra in Boardroom and Golf Course

    Srinivas Uppaluri, Management Consultant, Bangalore Once upon a time I used to wake up, have a cup of tea or coffee and go off for a round of golf, a walk or swim, before heading to work. Today, I do most of that barring the tea/coffee habit- with one lif ...
  4. How to overcome obstacles in meditation

    #1 Drop all desires & planning The hindrance for meditation is the desire and all your planning to do something. Offer the desire through surrender with the trust, “It it is right for me, it will be done.” Just think it will happen and relax. Surrende ...
  5. Love seeks to dissolve the identity

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … Q-1 Can you speak on how devotion can transform the ego in order for the Self to be realized? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Listen, what is devotion? It is a state of love. What is ego? It i ...
  6. Meditation is a happening and is effortless

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … So, we will recapitulate what we have been doing in the last two days: how meditation can happen in many ways. Meditation is a happening, this is the first point. Second is, meditation is ef ...
  7. Questions on Meditation Part-2

    Based on a series of talks entitled ‘Secrets of meditation’ given by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on April 20, 2012, California. These talks have been made into knowledge sheets. Q-1: Why is it that10 minutes of meditation gives me more energy than 8 or 1 ...
  8. Science, Creativity & Meditation

    Science and meditation  : in between is creativity. Science says, what is this? And meditation is knowing, who am I. The subjective knowledge about one's self is meditation and the objective knowledge and objective analysis is science. They are not c ...
  9. Meditation Uplifts the Mind- Sound Uplifts the Consciousness

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … Meditation happens; you can’t do it. You can only create a congenial atmosphere for it to happen. During the teenage years, the mind starts drifting. It does not drift before the hormones ge ...
  10. The Correct Posture to Meditate

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … Sometimes people sit with their bodies stiff for meditation. That effort and stiffness doesn’t really bring in that meditative quality but may bring about some anger in them. If you have med ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More