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  1. Tapping Creativity Through Meditation

    The more we relax into ourselves; we bring out creativity and happiness. See, creativity is already present in every point in consciousness and it can be evoked. If there is no creativity, then you cannot bring it from somewhere. It is like applying the h ...
  2. 4 Reasons why Early Morning Meditation is a Good Habit

    Have you noticed how a lot can happen in 24 hours? So wouldn’t morning be the best time for meditation, when it is all just beginning? Let’s have a look at some advantages of doing morning meditation #1 Have a sorted day better than a scattered one Imagin ...
  3. Meditate! Get an Ache-Free Head

    Headache – the very mention of the word has the power to bring back memories of the last time we had one! The pain that starts mild and slowly becomes moderate, going up to intolerable sometimes? And the feeling of holding your head between your palms, cl ...
  4. How to Enjoy this Festive Season More?

    A 10-letter word that can add a spark of excitement to your celebration. Make it your best friend this festive season and see yourself enjoy the festivities more and better. Christmas is round the corner – the time we all eagerly await the whole year. Tin ...
  5. Become the Writer You Aspire to Be

    You stare at the blank paper. Either nothing comes to the mind or there’s a traffic jam of thoughts and you just don’t know how to begin! Or sometimes you know what to write but the right words may not pop into the mind. Well, you’re not alone, even the b ...
  6. Meditate For a Healthy Lifestyle

    How do I know I am living a healthy lifestyle? How high is my healthy lifestyle quotient? How can I improve it? Isn’t this something that we all wonder about at some point in life? The way you live your life determines your lifestyle. There is something t ...
  7. Meditation: Equipping Women at Work

    A meditation teacher passionate about women projects, the chairperson of International Women’s Conference, a gifted singer and the sister of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar- Bhanumathi Narasimhan is a versatile lady wearing many hats, effortlessly. Here, she ...
  8. Tenali Raman Stories on Secrets of Happiness

    Tenali Ramakrishna, fondly remembered as Tenali Raman, was a 16th-century court poet at the Vijayanagara Empire in India. He hailed from a town called Tenali. He is remembered even today for his extraordinary wit, brilliance and wisdom. What is it that we ...
  9. How to Improve Concentration in Studies with Meditation

    A few quick tips for our young buds to make their parents and teachers proud with good grades. Meditation is the secret to boosting concentration  power  and memory in studies. It’s the history period in class. Your textbook is open right in front of you. ...
  10. Take A Break, Meditate!

    ‘Give me a break!’ screams the mind as we rush towards finishing a list of to-dos: work meetings, home responsibilities, ‘me’ time! There is constant roller coaster of emotions: joy, frustration and stress. Before you know it, there is the next set of res ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More