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  1. A New Meaning of Happiness

    She has always felt she was special because she was born on an island, where she was probably one of the last ones to take birth. But today she feels special as she stands strong and confident, teaching thousands of youth the art of living life to the ful ...
  2. Bringing Out The Innocence Of North-East India

    Having been born and brought up in North East India, she always had a soft side for that part of the country. In 2001, she started her venture to teach meditation to the people of Darjeeling, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and Nagaland. While on her journey to ...
  3. I Meditate Calgary – Revitalizing Calgarians through Meditation (part-1)

    A dynamic Art of Living teacher, Pooja Tolani, has spent the last 12 years travelling across different countries conducting various Art of Living courses and bringing peace of mind to thousands of people. Her travels have taken her from Nagaland, where sh ...
  4. I Meditate Calgary – Revitalizing Calgarians through Meditation (part-2)

    This is continued from I Meditate Calgary (Part-1) Q4. A lot of people want to do something for their country and want to bring peace to their country but don’t know how? So, how can someone use the platform to be a friend for change? Pooja: I think it’s ...
  5. Getting In Touch With My Inner Guru

    Sarina Mahboobani, works as a content coordinator for a website in India. Although she has been a regular meditator since 5 years, it was only until her uncle asked why does she meditate, she was left wondering what how meditation has changed her life so ...
  6. Don’t Just Unwind, Stay Unwounded

    For some, it is hard work while for others it is never-fading dedication. Some treat work as worship and put it before anything else in life. Aadesh Goyal, global head – human resources at Tata Communications adds one more ingredient to his recipe for cor ...
  7. Meditation provides several mental and physical benefits

    Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. I sit in my chair and close my eyes behind my sunglasses. All around me I could hear the shuffle of hundreds of feet, the shutter of hundreds of cameras, yet all I feel is an inner calm. I slowly let go of ...
  8. The Best of Both Worlds

      Iman Mutlaq, is a single mother with two sons and a very successful business women and financial adviser from Pindi (Pakistan). She earlier felt life was only about traveling, earning money and taking care of family and friends! At that time, spiritual ...
  9. The Best of Both Worlds (Part-2)

    This is continued from The Best of Both Worlds(Part-1) Q: As a women we have wear different hats- like that of a mother, a daughter, a business women, so how can meditation help women manage all these roles with ease? Iman Mutlaq: Very easily! Once we del ...
  10. Giving Prisoners a New Ray of Hope (Part-2)

    This is continued from Giving Prisoners a New Ray of Hope (Part-1) Q-According to you what kind of impact will it have if every single person in the prison meditates? Dushyant Savadia- Firstly the prisons will get emptier sooner than expected and secondly ...