Women Empowerment: Prison Program

  • Casablanca Correctional Center

    The Beginning A female teacher from The Art of Living conducted a course at the Casablanca Correctional Center on January 15, 2007. Around thirty five juvenile delinquents and five correctional officers...
  • JAKARTA: Prison Program

    “If people get sick, we bring them to the hospital and give them the right medicines so that they get better. If people’s behavior is sick, we bring them to the prison, but we forget the medicines.” –...
  • Tu Cheng Detention Center, TAIPEI

    In Taipei a total of 51 incarcerated women completed the course. Ling Fang shares: "Before taking the class, I was living in fear and depression to the point that I was thinking of committing suicide....
  • Parish Prison, New Orleans

    Starting on Challenging Ground In the post Katrina facilities currently in New Orleans Parish Prison, The Art of Living offered it’s PRISON SMART program only to inmates of tent number seven to keep it...
  • First Prison Smart Program in Bahrain

    Fourteen women and 28 men underwent the first Prison SMART program held at the Reformation & Rehabilitation Directorate, Kingdom of Bahrain in January 2007. A special six-day Youth Empowerment Seminar...
  • Mumbai Police Combat Stress

    Life can be challenging for a police officer in the city that never sleeps. Whether it is dealing with the constant flow of miscreants, or managing the escalating traffic or rehabilitating misguided youth...