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  1. I was once at the metro station and I saw two people fighting. I was not afraid, I just went and stood in the middle of them and they stopped.

    That is it! I think we can all do this. In patanjali Yoga Sutra it is said, “If you are established in non-violence, in your company and in your presence, people also drop their violence. But this is a long-drawn out process. You have to practice ...
  2. The Dance of Joy

    There are two things that make you dance in life:1. Your desires2. Love Desires make you dance all your life. When one desire of yours gets fulfilled, then you get another ten desires. This run to fulfil one desire after another keeps you going on the mer ...
  3. The Inner Space Of The Mind

    (below is a continuation of the post Your Mind Is Like A Mirror) Chida Akasha (the causal space) is different from the Chit Akasha. It is just like the space inside each pot is different. Suppose you have ten pots of different sizes, the amount of space i ...
  4. What can I do to not feel anxiety in the face of terrorism?

    The news of so many incidences of violence happening again and again should not make us numb. This is important. We tend to become numb toward these violent incidents that happen around us. We should be cautious; we should keep our sensitivity.Kee ...
  5. What is Causal?

    Causal means the cause of all causes. It is not an effect of anything. Effect means it should have had some cause for it. ‘This is causal’ means this is the ultimate cause. Because there is no other cause behind it, that’ ...
  6. Gurudev Sri Sri's Message On Gowri Habba

    Did you all celebrate Gowri or Ganesha habba well?During the Gowri festival, we give bhagina. What does bhagina mean? Bhagina means fortune. We share our fortune with each others with the feeling that 'We are part of your life and you are part of our life ...
  7. Gurudev, how to keep the spine erect during meditation?

    Make a start with the spine being erect, then if the head comes down, the back bends, don’t bother about it. You cannot start meditation in a sleeping posture, because then you will be snoring very soon. So sit down, and start with the spine erect ...
  8. Gurudev, why do we call Ganesha- Ekadanta?

    Often, people have two tendencies, one for themselves and another for others. An elephant also has two tusks, one for showing and the other for chewing. It never shows the one it uses for chewing, and it never uses the one it shows for chewing. Similarl ...
  9. Gurudev, you have often said that you are not the doer. Please help me understand this as I have been stuck in the self-blame game for past incidents.

    Come on, wake up! All that happened in the past is finished, it is like a dream, it is done! You did something wrong and you learnt a lesson from it, it is finished. Now, move on. Broaden your vision, and don’t worry about doership and non-doershi ...
  10. Gurudev, what is vairagya and how can I continue to live in it?

    Let us take vairagya to mean contentment. Whenever you are content, that is vairagya. If you have had a full meal, and someone brings more food, you will say, "No I am full", that is vairagya. You cannot exist without v ...