20 January 2016 - QA 1

How do we increase our passion for meditation?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

You want to meditate, that is good enough. Intellectually understand the benefits of it. If you meditate, the structure of your brain changes, your stomach becomes softer, your feet become warmer, your heart becomes larger, and your intellect becomes sharper, what more do you want? These are the many temptations given to you!

Do you want to be intuitive, innovative, energetic and charming? All this meditation can give you. Anything more? In spite of all these, if you still don’t have interest to do anything, I would like you to go and check up your vitamins. You may have a serious vitamin D deficiency, or B12 deficiency, or intelligence deficiency (laughter). So fix yourself.

See, the moment you say - I want to have more passion, you already have it my dear. I want to love something, that means you are already loving it. These are emotions which you cannot pump it up or buy it in a market.