
Yogesh Vijay Shailar

Yogesh Vijay Shailar

Yogesh Vijay Shailar (Nasik, Maharashtra)

In August 2005 Guruji made me an Art of Living teacher. Since then I am working as a full-time teacher. We are conducting YLTP courses in Nasik district. While organizing YLTP courses, I have analyzed that people in the rural area move towards negativity due to lack of confidence and knowledge. In all the areas where I have worked, I could see behavioral change in the people.

In Maharashtra there is a tehsil (district) called Devla. Sharad Aherao, a resident of this area for 35 years, used to consume alcohol from 6:00 in the morning till night. He used to work for two or three days in a month. He did not even pay attention to his family. His whole family was getting disturbed because of this and there was no happiness in their lives. He did the YLTP course in 2006; this knowledge brought an incredible change in him. Since then he has never touched alcohol.

Now Sharad volunteers for The Art of Living and he got many other people like him to do the course. He did not have a house of his own, and it was not even possible to have one with his drinking habits. But as soon as he gave up drinking, he could concentrate on his work and got his house constructed in less than two years. He gives all the credit for this to YLTP and Guruji.

I was a shy person before doing the YLTP course. Now, when I go to villages to conduct courses, I address thousands of people confidently. The vision for YLTP is to conduct courses and bring people in knowledge. Also to work on the 5H program in this area.

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    Art of Living Part 1 course: Discover Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s ancient secret to modern well-being.

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