
Sejal Parmar

Sejal Parmar

I am working with The Art of Living since five years, and since a year and a half in YLTP. The administrative department of the Gujarat YLTP office and all the projects of YLTP of whole of Gujarat are handled by me. The projects include Broom Project, Sewing Classes, Self-help Project, the Project for banning plastic bags and encouraging the use of cloth bags. Besides that, we run a school in tribal areas - Ved Vigyan Mahavidyalaya.

YLTP is the best bet to feel Guruji's grace, understand Guru's vision and to contribute to his work. The Yuvacharyas are the invisible roots of the blossomed tree you see as The Art of Living.

We work for the economic development of the Yuvacharyas too. There are HR heads who are associated with big companies in Gujarat. They give talks to these Yuvacharyas on vocational guidance. We conduct a one-day workshop for all the Yuvacharyas so that they come and discover their potential. After they have chosen their field of work we give them practice in that particular area and see them through till they are financially independent.

Guruji is my ideal. He says - "Whenever we get something, we should make it better before we leave it." These words had quite an impact on me. I thought I've got this universe, let me contribute something to it to make it better. I left my government job to do full-time seva here.

There is a lady, Madhu ben from Kukawati who is physically challenged. She attended YLTP four years back. I suggested her to meet the existing Yuvacharyas and find out about their opinions, achievements and future plans. Naswadi Taluka was handed over to me to develop. While travelling through different villages, I met Madhu ben again. She was elated to see me as a representative of Guruji after four years. I saw her family's condition and felt like doing something for them. Then we thought of starting a financial development project here. Today she is a full time Yuvacharya, travelling to villages, conducting Breath-Water-Sound workshops.

Some time ago her family had to take care of her. Today she looks after the whole village. The whole village seeks her advice before beginning anything. There are thirty women and five men who work under her, resulting into employment for 35 people. They propose to start Zero Budget Farming in her village. This is a story of a big transformation. I am glad that I was the instrument for it.

Location: (Bhavnagar, Gujarat)

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