
Tapping Creativity
Through Meditation

Have you ever been stuck on an idea or piece of writing, feeling totally blocked and unable to move on? You may have gotten up and dropped the project altogether, only to be struck with a new idea like a bolt of lightning while walking, showering, washing dishes, or daydreaming.

All people, whether artist or lawyer, require the use of creativity in life. And most people wish to increase their creative ideas and insights. Creativity, while allusive, is something that can indeed be intentionally harnessed and increased with the proper tools and techniques.

Creativity is the basis of all existence, and humans are inherently creative. However, often stress and baggage can stifle the ease of the creative process.

Meditation To the Rescue

While most frequently cited for its physiological effects, meditation also has the power to bring out our inherent creative flow.

Meditation frees us from within and erases inhibitions and stiffness, allowing for enhanced creative thinking. The more we relax into ourselves, the more we can access and express our creativity and happiness. This allows us to offer our true selves to others and be spontaneous in all we do.

Effortlessness is Key

If you ask a poet how he or she came up with a beautiful poem, the poet will likely answer, "I don't know!" The source of creativity often seems unknown.

Meditation taps into the field of pure consciousness, where all creativity originates, and allows us to access it effortlessly.

Meditation, like creativity, cannot happen with effort.The mind and the body operate according to opposite laws. On the physical level, the more effort, the better the result. By contrast, the mental level, or the creative level, has an indirect relationship with effort: the less the effort, the greater the result.

Meditation joins the body and mind and puts the entire being in a state of tranquil awareness, allowing for the field of creativity to flow through our bodies and minds in order for us to share our creativity with the world. The benefits are truly unparalleled.

The practice of meditation makes you skillful in all your actions and enables you to be happy and maintain an undying smile.

Read more : Meditation for Beginners Simplified: Sit Back, Closer Your Eyes, Relax!

Want to know more about meditation and how it helps you? Read on:
What is Meditation? 12 Ways It Can Help You and How to Begin Today

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