
Learn How You Could Feel Really Motivated Each Day

By Shalin Desai 

A SKY Breath Meditation teacher shares about the different types of motivation that exist, and how we can keep our energy thriving, regardless of circumstance.

There are two types of motivation that exist. One is external and the other is internal.

You get a pay raise from your work and for some time, you’re feeling really motivated. You’re so excited to get that new paycheck and spend time dreaming about all the things the extra cash flow could bring into your life.

You’re feeling really inspired to spend your time doing something, as though you’ve found your true cause, your life purpose. You’re not worried about taking days off or about the number of hours you’re sleeping each night. You feel like you just have to do this thing. Everyday.

Internal motivation = passion-filled life

When you lack passion or that special motivation that comes from within, you see the happenings of life as though they’re a struggle. Issue after issue, challenge after challenge. Your life experience feels heavy.

But when you’re inspired, those challenges become an adventure. They keep you on your toes, alert, and focused, while infusing your day with so much energy and growth. Your life perspective becomes completely different because adventures are actually fun!

We recently went on a hike with our eight-year-old daughter at a beautiful waterfall site. There were different levels of trails to choose from and she said, “The easier one is boring!” and asked if we could do the harder one. Kids love adventures, and in truth, we all do!

That’s the difference when you’re inspired...

Motivation is in your hands

There’s only so much you can do externally to increase your level of motivation. It’s really something that has to be cultivated within.

I find my own inspiration through daily meditation. And once I’m done, my energy levels are up so high that I can complete any task! My prana (aka subtle life force energy) gets me through the day without feeling stuck in any obstacles.

How to raise your energy?

It’s up to you to control your energy level. When you’re feeling light and energized, you also feel very driven and happy. When you’re feeling low, you also feel very sad and depressed. Your energy and emotions are interconnected.

You already know that the type of food that you eat and the quality of your sleep are extremely important. But another very important aspect to consider is the state of your mind.

You could be sitting on the most comfortable couch in your beautiful home (external), but if your mind is filled with anger, anxiety or worry, (internal) what do you think happens? Do you feel energized or drained?

You feel drained, right? 

But when your mind is happy and pleasant, everything changes. This is why it’s so important to keep our mind calm. And this is why meditation is so important. It literally changes your life.

The Art of Living Foundation offers so many great courses to cultivate that healthy state of mind. Among them are three pillar courses that I believe everyone should take. SKY Breath Meditation, Sahaj Samadhi, and Silent Retreats deliver tools to access deep calm and inner joy, regardless of circumstance, every single day.

Art of Living is thrilled to offer Silent Retreat courses throughout the year. Click here to see a full schedule of our upcoming programs or click here to check out a free info session.

Shalin Desai is an international instructor for the Art of Living. He teaches breathing and meditation around the world and has been practicing these techniques for over 20 years. He has a wealth of experience leading national programs, building teams, and empowering community initiatives. 

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