
Beyond Anxiety: 3 Tips for
Building Resilience

By Patti Montella 

Struggling with anxiety? You'll love meditation expert Patti Montella's 3 tips to overcome anxiety, build resiliency, and lead a happier life.

After 25 years, my elderly parents moved out of their home in Florida and into a 1-bedroom Assisted Living facility in Texas. They had been facing one health challenge after another and it was clear that now was the time to live closer to family. The transition had been difficult, and I was doing my best to cheer them up by helping them to shop for new furniture. We were about to make a final decision on a mattress when my mother’s face lost all its color, her breathing became labored, and her eyes reflected intense fear. She was having a panic attack.

I immediately stopped what I was doing to put my full attention on her. I’m talking laser beam focus, no one else exists in the world’s attention. I’d taught Mom some breathing techniques to lower blood pressure a few years back, and together we began that practice.  She eventually relaxed, her pulse returned to normal, and we were able to continue. 

I’m so grateful that I had previously taught my mom these breathing techniques, and that we were able to do that together in that stressful situation. Thanks to this knowledge and practice we were able to avoid a full-blown panic attack and continue shopping. 

Stress is a normal part of life. However, we are not wired to live under chronic stress as a way of life. Last year, the World Health Organization reported that 1 out of 5 people are impacted by an anxiety disorder. The numbers are higher for children and teens.  And, according to Mental Health of America, the number of people suffering from anxiety and depression has skyrocketed since the pandemic.

The good news is that through spiritual practices, such as breathing techniques and meditation, you can have a say over your mind and emotions and build resilience.  Spirituality gives you the inner strength and wisdom to move through the difficult times with greater ease and well-being.  

Knowing how to free yourself of the “mind-stuff” that bogs you down is essential for anyone who wants to enjoy life to its fullest. Here are 3 tips to help you on your way to getting beyond anxiety and connected to your natural, happy self.

Breath: Our Most Powerful Source of Energy

You get energy from four key sources: healthy food, restful sleep, a meditative mind, and your breath. You can live without food for a few days, and of course, you have days where you don’t sleep well, or your mind is anything but meditative! But the one thing that you can’t live without, is your breath. It’s a powerful tool for increasing energy and enjoying a calm state of mind.

Years ago, I regularly suffered from migraine headaches. I saw doctor after doctor in an attempt to find relief, but nothing worked. One day, I started noticing my breath just before a migraine took place. It was usually choppy, and like a lot of people, I tended to hold my breath when I was upset or anxious. I was blown away when I first learned yogic breathing techniques and meditation - my migraine headaches disappeared for good.

Our bodies are designed with an autonomic nervous system, also referred to as the “fight or flight response”. This system is activated when we are in a life-threatening situation. For example, if you’re crossing the street and you see a bus about to hit you, your sympathetic nervous system becomes activated. The next thing you know, your heart starts pumping faster and blood flows to your muscles, helping you to quickly move out of danger.

Once you’re out of danger, your parasympathetic nervous system should activate, returning your system to “rest and digest.” However, if you’re chronically stressed, it takes a toll on your system, and it’s harder to return to a balanced state. This can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, digestion issues, anxiety, depression, and other illnesses.  

Breath is the link between the body, mind, and spirit, and it’s very effective in counteracting the fight or flight response. Shallow breathing is associated with tension, while deep breathing brings about a state of relaxation. Pranayamas are yogic breathing techniques that release stress, increase energy, and calm the mind. We can actually release up to 90% of toxins through our breath, but most of us use only 30% of our lung capacity.

It was a pranayama that helped my mother to come out of a panic attack within a matter of minutes, with no bad side effects. 

Emotional well-being is essential to meeting the demands that are a natural part of life. 

Life will have its ups and downs; but with a little understanding of the rhythm of your own breath, you can win over any negative emotion.


I’ve been meditating for more than 26 years and have found it to be an incredibly powerful tool in mastering the mind, which can become crowded with all kinds of thoughts and emotions.

Meditation brings so much ease to life. It relaxes the nervous system, allows you to transcend the “mind-stuff,” and simply let go. It gives you that deep rest you’re looking for. It’s shown to lower blood pressure, depression, and anxiety, and improve sleep. Healthcare institutions across the globe recommend meditation for anxiety relief, including the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and Harvard

Meditation develops self-awareness, which gives you greater self-control. When someone or something pushes your buttons, without self-awareness, you can easily react in a manner that you come to regret afterward. How many emails have you sent in a fit of frustration? Even one is enough to wreak havoc in your life! Regular practice of meditation increases self-awareness so that rather than reacting emotionally, you’re able to observe your mind and emotions and respond skillfully.


Journaling is another good outlet to safely release your thoughts and emotions and gain perspective. I journaled throughout my teens, and it’s what led me to become a writer. In fact, I still have some of those journals and a few from my early adult years. It’s interesting to look back and see what my frame of mind was at various times in life, as well as my hopes and dreams. Reflecting on the difficult times that you came through, will give you strength in the present. 

I recommend that you don’t edit your journaling. Just let it flow and express yourself freely, without any judgment. Later, when you reflect on what you wrote, you may become aware of patterns and habits that aren’t serving you. The moment you become aware of a negative pattern or habit, its grip on you begins to dissolve. There is a sense of freedom, making space for you to move forward with renewed energy and enthusiasm. 

As you journal, you may find creativity bubbling up; it’s natural! Some of my most profound poems were born as I was journaling. You never know until you begin; there just may be a Robert Frost or a Maya Angelou in you, waiting to emerge!

Your Nature is Peace

Health is not confined to just our body and mind; it’s connected to our consciousness. And our consciousness offers an infinite field of possibilities. 

As you let go and relax, you’ll realize that you are not the anxiety, fear, depression, or any other negative emotion.  At your core - you are love, happiness, and peace.

Through all my years on the spiritual path, I’ve learned a lot! And I am sharing it with you so that you can have the tools and knowledge you need to not only survive but to thrive!

I would also like to invite you to learn more about the Art of Living’s pillar program, SKY Breath Meditation by attending Beyond Breath, a free introduction to breath and meditation. 

Patti Montella is a recovered corporate executive. Leader in human potential movement. Perpetual student of the Yogic Sciences. International senior Faculty with the Art of Living Foundation. She can be followed on Facebook.

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