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  1. Do not lose the equanimity of your mind. You do not know when and where, what will happen. When a friend will become...

    Do not lose the equanimity of your mind. You do not know when and where, what will happen. When a friend will become an enemy and when an enemy will become a friend. Keep your attention on the truth and perform all your duties sincerely. ...
  2. Don't worry about cleansing your bad karma of the past. It will automatically go when you live in knowledge, when you...

    Don't worry about cleansing your bad karma of the past. It will automatically go when you live in knowledge, when you are in satang, when you meditate and when you do Sudarshan Kriya. ...
  3. Q: Where does one seek the do’s and don'ts on karma? Listen to your conscience; your inner gut feeling. Don’t do...

    Q: Where does one seek the do’s and don'ts on karma? Listen to your conscience; your inner gut feeling. Don’t do anything which you don’t want others to do to you. That is the criteria. ...
  4. When you wish good for others, good things come back to you. This is the law of nature.

    When you wish good for others, good things come back to you. This is the law of nature. ...
  5. Bad things do not happen because you are good or because you are not good. You must have done something bad in the...

    Bad things do not happen because you are good or because you are not good. You must have done something bad in the past and that karma is showing up now. You have to face the consequences. ...
  6. If you throw blame, blame will come back to you. If you give compliments, you will see it come back to you many folds...

    If you throw blame, blame will come back to you. If you give compliments, you will see it come back to you many folds. This is the law of attraction: whatever you throw bounces back onto you. ...
  7. The feeling with which you sow the seeds of your actions, you will reap the same kind of results too.

    The feeling with which you sow the seeds of your actions, you will reap the same kind of results too. ...
  8. Anything which you do to someone comes back to you. That is the karma principle, very simple!

    Anything which you do to someone comes back to you. That is the karma principle, very simple! ...
  9. A situation that happens now becomes the cause of another situation in the future.When that next situation happens in...

    A situation that happens now becomes the cause of another situation in the future.When that next situation happens in the future, that too becomes the cause of some other situation to happen. That is why it is called as cause and the effect-Karma. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More