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  1. Please talk on the origin of life.

    When we think linearly, we think something should start somewhere and end somewhere. But we should think spherically. Can you tell me where is the beginning point of a tennis ball? No! So when you can’t find the beginning point of a tennis ball, why do y ...
  2. The whole philosophy of life is based on letting go.

    The whole philosophy of life is based on letting go. ...
  3. Know that the highest flowering in life is being in love and acting through love.

    Know that the highest flowering in life is being in love and acting through love. ...
  4. You are here to make this world a better place. You are here to celebrate life, and not to complain or brood over life.

    You are here to make this world a better place. You are here to celebrate life, and not to complain or brood over life. ...
  5. The mission of your life should be to leave a better world behind than what you inherited.

    The mission of your life should be to leave a better world behind than what you inherited. ...
  6. Take life not as a struggle but as a CHALLENGE, not as a suffering but as A WAY TO EXPRESS the multitude of emotions....

    Take life not as a struggle but as a CHALLENGE, not as a suffering but as A WAY TO EXPRESS the multitude of emotions. That is living with wisdom. ...
  7. You have two choices: 1. You take life as a burden and make it a long drawn misery, or 2. You take it with...

    You have two choices: 1. You take life as a burden and make it a long drawn misery, or 2. You take it with enthusiasm I would say, do all that you have to do with enthusiasm and make life a celebration. ...
  8. If we live our lives on the superficial level, life becomes so dry and uninteresting. However, when we connect with...

    If we live our lives on the superficial level, life becomes so dry and uninteresting. However, when we connect with each other from the heart and with genuiness, then that genuiness make life beautiful and authentic. ...
  9. Our life becomes richer when there is some music, dance, philosophy, science, service and silence. If you miss on any...

    Our life becomes richer when there is some music, dance, philosophy, science, service and silence. If you miss on any one of them, then life is not complete. ...
  10. Life should be emotionally rich with a rational pitch and a spiritual touch.

    Life should be emotionally rich with a rational pitch and a spiritual touch. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More