
What is Pranayama and Yoga?

Prana is the subtle life force energy and Pranayamas is channelising of Prana into the body. Pranayama is an important limb of Yoga - according to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The  Yoga Sutras is an ancient treatise on yoga, attributed to Sage Patanjali. Among the eight limbs of yoga mentioned here, Pranayama, the fourth limb, is important for a healthy body and mind for gaining higher states of awareness.

Practising Yoga not only increases the flow and circulation of oxygen, but also of the Prana. Yoga enables the Prana to flow deeper into the muscles, organs, nerves, down to the cellular level, thereby nourishing and renewing the system deeply.


Pranayama is an important limb of Yoga - according to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Breath is the main source of Prana

Prana is connected to the air that we inhale. Oxygen nourishes the physical body prana, the vital energy, nourishes the subtle layers of your being. Prana flows through thousands of subtle energy channels called nadis.

4 Benefits of regular practice of pranayama (when practised correctly under the right guidance):

  1. Increases and enhances the quantity and quality of prana.
  2. Clears blocked nadis and chakras. Clears the whole energy around you, expands your aura and heightens the spirit
  3. Makes one energetic, enthusiastic and positive
  4. Brings harmony between the body, mind, and spirit, making one physically, mentally and spiritually strong. It brings clarity to the mind and good health to the body

4 Types of pranayama and their application

The ancient sages of India realized some breathing techniques which are simple to practice and brought great relaxation to the body and mind. These breathing techniques can be practiced with ease and at any time of the day on an empty stomach:

  1. Is your mind buzzing with activity? Can't stop thinking about what someone said about you? Find a quiet corner and try the Bhramari pranayama (Bee breath) to apply brakes in the buzzing mind. This breathing technique is a boon for those with hypertension.
  2. Among the breathing techniques, Kapal Bhati pranayama (Skull Shining breathing technique)  is considered the most important and effective for detoxifying the body and clearing the energy channels.
  3. Low energy levels? Three rounds of Bhastrika pranayama (Bellow breath) will get your energy levels soaring!
  4. Can't concentrate on the task at hand? Try nine rounds of Nadi Shodhan pranayama (Alternate nostril breathing technique) followed by a short 10-minute meditation. Nadi Shodhan pranayama calms and centers the mind by bringing into harmony the left and right hemispheres of the brain which correlates to the logical and emotional sides of our personality.

Understanding prana

Prana is the universal life force. It is the vital energy needed by your physical and subtle layers of your being. Prana flows through thousands of subtle energy channels, called nadis.

The quantity and quality of prana, and the way, in which it flows through the nadis, determine your state of mind.

If the prana level is high in the system and its flow is continuous, smooth and steady, then the mind remains calm, positive and enthusiastic.

The nadis in the average person may be partially or even fully blocked

For blocked nadis

  • Quality of Prana: Broken and jerky
  • Possible reasons: Lack of knowledge and lack of attention to one's own self
  • Results: Increased worries, fear, uncertainty, conflicts, tension, and other negative qualities

Yoga Sutras is an ancient treatise on yoga, attributed to Sage Patanjali. Among the eight limbs of yoga mentioned here, Pranayama - the fourth limb, is important for a healthy body and mind, and for attaining higher states of awareness.

Note: Since Pranayamas deal with the subtle life force, it is important that you practice them only as instructed in the class. Do not experiment with Pranayamas.

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