
Yoga and Pancha Maha Bhutas

The five senses have five dimensions in the universe. We can classify the entire Universe as five elements:

  • Smell with Earth element
  • Taste with Water element
  • Touch with Air element
  • Sound with Ether element
  • Shapes and forms with Fire element

Each of these five elements is present in each other in a very small way, subtle way. Like this world, the universe is made up of five elements, so is this body, so is this mind. Our mind is also made up of these five subtle elements. It is a natural law that each element takes its turn. One dominates at some time and then the other dominates. None of the element remains dominant forever. Rain comes, you can't stop the rain, wind blows, you can't stop the wind, Sun shines - it is all happening. All these five elements reign in the mind also. It is very interesting. When they reign in the mind, different moods and sensations come up in the mind. This is a very precious knowledge.

Mainly five types of sensations arise

  • Feeling of consolidation, love, discomfort, total comfort, heaviness: Earth element is dominant
  • Fiery feeling, feverishness: Fire element is dominant
  • Movement, feeling of wanting to run away: Air element is dominant
  • Feeling of togetherness, oneness, floating feeling: Water element is dominant

Yoga or breathing techniques such as 3-Stage Pranayamas and Sudarshan Kriya (the Art of Living Foundation and core breathing techniques) have a balancing effect on these five elements and their influence on the body-mind complex.

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