Courses - FAQ 12

Can you talk about fear and letting go of fear, and why it’s so difficult to do?

It’s not difficult, just take a few deep breaths, do a few Bhastrikas and pranayams breathing techniques from the Part I course and that’s it. Where’s the fear? Fear is just love upside down. You have to turn it the right way up. When there is love there is no fear, and when there is hatred there is no fear. Two types of people in the world have no fear – those who are in love, and those who are in hatred. Both love and hatred create a sensation in the heart region.

We do this in a 5-, 6-days’ Part II course, in which we discuss all different emotions and the places in the body where they are generated, how they are affected and so how they can be handled. For 5 days – of which 3 days you remain in silence – we observe different sensations and emotions and come to understand better. No fear!
