Youth Programs

YES (Youth Emprovement Seminar - семинар совершенствования молодежи) – это динамичный и полный веселья курс, который учит подростков принимать ответственность за свою жизнь и предоставляет широкий перечень практик, упражнений и техник, помогающих избавиться от стресса, научиться справляться со своими эмоциями и повысить уровень самосознания.

Программа курса включает:

    Развитие подростков на всех уровнях: физическом, психическом, социальном и эмоциональном.
    Дыхательные техники для борьбы со стрессом и улучшения концентрации ума.
    Активные игры и йога.
    Практические знания для повышения самосознания.
    Практики для развития умения самостоятельно разрабатывать стратегии решения проблем.
    Активные групповые дискуссии, направленные на обучение подростков тому, как вести себя в непростых ситуациях, повысить уверенность в себе, научиться выдерживать критику и давление со стороны сверстников.

  • ART Excel - Testimonials
  • YES! - Testimonials
  • "They all say this practice helps them relax anywhere. I strongly recommend that students have access to the ART Excel because it enables them to take control of their lives, even in the most desperate circumstances."
    -- Marie Diamond, Student Services, Wilson Middle School

    "ART Excel is the best thing that has happened for kids all over the world. The structure and contents of the program allows children to connect with each other and work with people of all ages and diverse backgrounds. They leave the program feeling happy, confident and with a desire to help others."
    -- Ramola Prabhu, M.D., Parent

    "Before I came here I was really stressed out. Little things made me angry. I learned to get rid of the anger and free my mind from all the clutter. If I get angry I just do the breathing and it makes me feel better."
    Matt, middle school student

  • "My experience with the YES! program was revolutionary. The things that I learned here taught me not only how to become a better person, but how to not let others stop me from being a better person…I greatly appreciated and enjoyed this experience."
    -- Tameika, McKinley Technology High School

    "YES! has helped to create that culture of calm we really want our school to have. The [stress management] strategies taught on YES! are not just used in the classroom, they are life-skills that the students and staff can use outside of the classroom as well."
    -- Ms. Tamara Littlejohn, Walt Disney Magnet School, Chicago

    "Getting YES! in school at this grade level treats it like curriculum, which is what it should be. It tells a kid it is as important for you to learn life management and stress management skills, as it is to learn math."
    -- Susan Bertucci, Parent, Chicago