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  1. The power nap called yoga nidra

    It is interesting to see how yoga nidra, where we literally do ‘nothing’, can do wonders for the body and mind. I find yoga nidra as restorative as sleep, or even better than sleep. It offers benefits that go deep down to the subtle levels of our being. B ...
  2. 9 Tips to Better Yoga Nidra

    Get ready to deepen your yoga nidra relaxation with these quick tips from Dinesh Kashikar, senior Sri Sri Yoga teacher. This is a part of the yoga nidra article series comprising yoga nidra instructions, benefits of yoga nidra, and tips. 1. Keep sufficien ...
  3. Yoga for Knees

    Your knees are hard-working shock absorbers. Yoga helps to keep knees healthy and strong by lengthening and strengthening the surrounding thigh and calf muscles, thus helping to ease the pressure on the knees. Injuries and knee problems are often due to m ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More