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  1. Om chanting: Clearing obstacles from your path

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 23 Contd. from knowledge sheet 22 Remembering the Lord with Om "Tajjapastadartha bhavanam" tad = its; japaha = repetition; tad = its; artha = meaning; bhavanam = feeling “When you remember it (the Divine) b ...
  2. 9 Obstacles on the Path

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 25 Contd. from knowledge sheet 24 Remembering the Lord with Om "Tajjapastadartha bhavanam" tad = its; japaha = repetition; tad = its; artha = meaning; bhavanam = feeling “When you remember it (the Divine) b ...
  3. Educate and ignore people who do sinful acts

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 31 Contd. from knowledge sheet 30 Ignore people who do sinful acts- ‘upeksha’. If somebody says some untruth, just brush it off. It is not worth thinking about them. We do the reverse, we do not think about people wh ...
  4. One-pointed Mind is Joy

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 27 Contd. from knowledge sheet 26 Now, how to get rid of these obstacles?  "Tatpratishedharthamekatattvabhyasaha'' tat = their; pratisheda = prevention; artham = for; eka = one; tattva = principle; abh ...
  5. Sun Salutation mantras and their meaning

    The sun sustains life on earth. Our ancient seers acknowledged this and revered the Sun. The Surya Namaskar is an appreciation in motion that is offered to the sun. It involves twelve yoga postures or asanas signifying the sun's cycles which run at a ...
  6. Advanced Yoga Workshop Comes to an End Today

    Hyderabad. November 20, 2011. The Sri Sri Yoga program (Level 2), a special yoga workshop of The Art of Living which began on 14th November came to an end earlier today. The workshop was conducted by Ms. Kamlesh Barwal, a World Yoga Alliance Certified Yog ...
  7. 5 Reasons Why You Need Yoga Buddies

    Face it: as exotic as it sounds to de-stress, relax and keep fit with a regular yoga routine, it is almost as difficult to get the discipline to stick to the practice. Yoga, like any other skill in life, requires hours of sincere lessons, days of unrelent ...
  8. Sukshma Vyayama: Simple Yoga for Relaxation

    “Yoga is not just physical exercises. It is emotional integration and spiritual elevation, with a touch of the mystic element. It gives you a glimpse of something which is beyond all imagination.” Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Sukshma Yoga (subtle yoga) ha ...
  9. Yoga and Three Gunas

    Yoga and gunas: Upgrade the quality of your life What is the current quality of your life? Take this quiz and find out what quality of life you are leading right now. 1. Your meals mostly contain A. Freshly prepared food which is gently spiced. B. Food wh ...
  10. 8 Tips to Improve Your Yoga Practice

    Yoga is a divine discipline. Although it has its root in India’s ancient tradition, yoga is more relevant in today’s modern stressful life. Yoga is now a globalized phenomenon and the knowledge of yoga is easily available to each one of us. It is importan ...