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  1. What Hinders Meditation?

    You know what hinders meditation is when you think thoughts should not come! You try to chase a thought out with a stick and that's when thoughts come back again.  What you have to do when a bad thought comes- say ok! Come on! I am going to embrace y ...
  2. Holding on to infinity

    Every cell in the body has the capacity to hold infinity. A worm too eats, sleeps and performs its daily activities. There is no point in living like that. We must tap the full potential nature has bestowed upon us, the potential to hold infinity in every ...
  3. Understanding Meditation

    The higher goals in life can only be realized through a few minutes of meditation and introspection. What is meditation? Mind without agitation is meditation. Mind in the present moment is meditation. Mind that has no hesitation, no anticipation is medita ...
  4. How to overcome obstacles in meditation

    #1 Drop all desires & planning The hindrance for meditation is the desire and all your planning to do something. Offer the desire through surrender with the trust, “It it is right for me, it will be done.” Just think it will happen and relax. Surrende ...
  5. Love seeks to dissolve the identity

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … Q-1 Can you speak on how devotion can transform the ego in order for the Self to be realized? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Listen, what is devotion? It is a state of love. What is ego? It i ...
  6. Meditation is a happening and is effortless

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … So, we will recapitulate what we have been doing in the last two days: how meditation can happen in many ways. Meditation is a happening, this is the first point. Second is, meditation is ef ...
  7. Science, Creativity & Meditation

    Science and meditation  : in between is creativity. Science says, what is this? And meditation is knowing, who am I. The subjective knowledge about one's self is meditation and the objective knowledge and objective analysis is science. They are not c ...
  8. Meditation is kindling love inside you

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … Q: Do you need to set an alarm to come out of meditation? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: No, usually not because it can be too jarring. But if you keep an intention that I will meditate for 2 ...
  9. Geheimen van meditatie: meditatie is voedsel voor de ziel

    Hoe bereiden we onszelf voor op meditatie? Door ons thuis te voelen, door natuurlijk te zijn! Als je heel formeel bent kun je niet mediteren. Meditatie gaat erom dat je informeel bent en je thuis voelt. Vandaag onderzoeken we de vraag: Waarom moeten we me ...
  10. Manieren om te mediteren

    Dit is het vervolg op het vorige artikel in de serie Geheimen van meditatie. Het is alsof je naar een supermarkt gaat om te tanken. Dat zal niet werken. Je blijft maar rondrijden rond de supermarkt en zegt: "Ik wil benzine voor mijn auto." Het z ...