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  1. Sri Sri's vredesmissie naar Irak, november 2014

    Sri Sri waagt zich in conflictgebied voor vrede in Irak Bangalore, 22 november 2014. Oprichter van Art of Living en de International Association for Human Values (IAHV) Sri Sri Ravi Shankar bracht zijn oproep tot vrede naar het hart van het conflictgebied ...
  2. Huffington Post: een interview met Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Een interview met Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 15/07/2014 Bruce Davis, Ph.D. Klik hier voor het originele artikel Recentelijk had ik de eer om Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, een van India’s meest gerespecteerde leraren, te spreken toen hij het Art of Livin ...
  3. Sri Sri in Happinez

    30 Sep 2012   'Stilte in je hoofd is een bron van geluk' Lisette Thooft van Happinez interviewt Gurudev in het international centrum van Art of Living in Bad Antogast. Bij In de Pers vind je de pagina met de PDF van het artikel. ...
  4. Sri Sri in Happinez

      'Stilte in je hoofd is een bron van geluk' Lisette Thooft van Happinez interviewt Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in het Internationale Art of Living Centrum in Bad Antogast, Duitsland ...
  5. Remembering 9/11

    Though there had been acts of terrorism before 9/11, this event compelled the world community to act. Let us look at what it brought. 9/11 brought an expenditure of billions of dollars on security. It brought two wars which snowballed into a massive econo ...
  6. Building up a mindset against corruption

    Corruption has invaded every sphere of life and is causing undue suffering to the common man. From the Middle East to India, to Europe, the voice against corruption is getting louder. So far, most anti-corruption initiatives are confined to blaming the es ...
  7. Democracy and Loyalty

    Democracy and loyalty are two diametrically opposite concepts; yet, they are compatible when they are in their rightful places. Now let's see what is loyalty and what is democracy. Loyalty is commitment to a cause or a person, irrespective of the sit ...
  8. Nature nourishes us; Revere Nature

    Ancient scriptures state that we have five sheaths: physical environment, physical body, mind, intuitive sheath or subtle environment and the Self. Our connection with the environment is our first level of experience and one of the most important. If our ...
  9. 7 Mantras for 2012

    . Reflect on your life in relation to the Cosmos. This will drop the smallness in you and you will be able to live fully. 2. Remind yourself of the highest goal in life. You are not here to grumble or complain. You are here for something bigger. 3.Serve! ...