What will I learn and practice?

Deep Yoga

Deep, vigorous yet gentle asana sessions lead by highly experienced international Yoga Teachers


Powerful pranayamas like Sheetali, Sheetkari, Nadi Shodana, Kapalabhati, Agnisara, Bhramari, etc.


Deep meditations to explore the silence within


Physical and Emotional cleansing techniques like (Laghu) Shankh Prakshalan and Jal Neti

About the Deep Dive Retreat

The Sri Sri Yoga Deep Dive is specially designed to take care of all the levels of your existence. Advanced yogic detox processes have a profound impact not only on the body level, but on the mind as well. It is because when the body is cleansed, the mind is coming to a stillness. A stillness, that you can experience with the eyes open, while you are holding your posture in an asana, or even when you are eating, or walking. When your mind stops, you find a relaxation deeper than the deepest sleep. And that is samadhi.


Anchored in the thousands of years of authentic Vedic tradition, the knowledge, the advanced pranayamas and meditations, special processes remove any blockages from the physical and subtle bodies. The Sri Sri Yoga Deep Dive is you returning back to your source, reaffirming your commitment to this beautiful path of yoga and to yourself. It is like strengthening your roots, when you return from time-to-time, and you get even more established, as you explore the inner depths of your soul. The expansion then remains with you longer and longer.


Join the Yoga Retreat

About The Dutch Monk

Born and brought up in the Netherlands, Swami Purnachaitanya from a young age had a keen interest in the spiritual practices, cultures and philosophies of the East.

After finishing his studies at the University of Leiden and practicing various Eastern martial arts for years, he met his spiritual Master, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and started his journey to explore the traditions of yoga, meditation, mantras and ancient wisdom.

Now he has become a public figure traveling extensively in Asia, Africa and Europe, conducting a wide range of self- development programs.


Join the Yoga Retreat

“Yoga is not about making your body perfect, it is about realizing you are already perfect and being able to accept and love yourself the way you are. The more this happens, the more the stresses and strains leave you, you will find that you become more and more flexible, loving, caring, happy and fulfilled.”


~ Swami Purnachaitanya: The Dutch Monk

More about the Retreat

Watch the Video to learn more about the retreat!


Pre-requisite: Art of Breathing course

The Sri Sri Yoga Deep Dive is all about you returning back to your source, reaffirming your commitment to this beautiful path of yoga and to yourself. It is like strengthening your roots, when you return from time-to-time, and you get even more established, as you explore the inner depths of your soul. The expansion then remains with you longer and longer.

  • Meditative practices like SSAHC (Subtle strengthening and healing contractions, a fascinating process!)
  • Deeper understanding of ancient yogic scriptures and yogic lifestyle
  • A peaceful and joyful atmosphere where you can be safe to explore your own depth under the nurturing guidance of our teachers.
  • A life-transforming experience that you will never forget!

About the Venue

Course contribution is €690.00, including delicious organic/vegetarian food with organic products as much as possible from the immediate vicinity. This does not include overnight stays

You can arrange overnight stays via Venwoude www.venwoude.nl/boeken
1 bed room: € 67,44 per night
2 bed room: € 54,45 per night
tent or caravan: € 22,48 per night

Walking is wonderful on the spot, because 16 hectares in size, with a fen and lots of forest, hence the name Venwoude. Yoga mats, pillows and fleece blankets are available in the room. Bring your own meditation chairs.

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