Prepare to delve into the profound depths of yoga, transcending mere physical exercise and asanas (postures) with Swami Purnachaitanya as he brings his eye-opening Masterclass, "Yoga for the MIND" to over 10 cities in The Netherlands during June and July. Yoga holds the key to a lifelong voyage of self-discovery, both on and off the mat. It goes beyond enhancing physical flexibility; it cultivates mental flexibility and discipline, resilience breathwork, meditation, asanas, control over the senses, and much more.

This extraordinary opportunity presents itself as a gateway to genuine yoga, guided by an authentic Yoguic teacher. Discover how to infuse the true essence of yoga into every facet of your life. Learn how to utilize yoga as a powerful tool to conquer any challenge or adversity that comes your way. With his unwavering commitment and enthusiasm, join Swami Purnachaitanya and receive a FREE sample of his best-selling book, "Looking Inward: Meditating to Survive in a Changing World." Don't miss out on this incredible chance to transform your perspective and embark on a life-altering journey.

Important: this masterclass doesn't NOT includes physical movements or yoga postures, it's about yoga philosophy, meditation, and breathwork.


Register now

About the Workshop

Let go of stress and worries

Mantras bring you inner peace

Learn how to meditate with mantras. Discover the benefits on your mind and well-being.

Build Resilience

with Mind Mastery

Understanding the nature of the mind gives you a greater perspective on life. This enables you to not get bothered by issues that used to create frustration, impatience, worry, and more.

Self discovery

Reveal your true self and your place in the universe

Sorrow comes when we think that sleeping, working, and procreating are all we have in life. Start your journey and discover your own purpose in life

Breathwork and Meditation

Learn simple, time-tested tools to access more energy

Perhaps breath is the ‘Golden Key’ you’ve been searching for. You’ll learn a how breath work and meditation technique can calm yourself almost instantly.

About Swami Purnachaitanya

Born and brought up in the Netherlands, Swami Purnachaitanya from a young age had a keen interest in the spiritual practices, cultures and philosophies of the East.

After finishing his studies at the University of Leiden and practicing various Eastern martial arts for years, he met his spiritual Master, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and started his journey to explore the traditions of yoga, meditation, mantras and ancient wisdom.

Now he has become a public figure traveling extensively in Asia, Africa and Europe, conducting a wide range of self- development programs.


Join the Masterclass

'With his work and experience, he conveys the deep ancient yogic wisdom to the general public with simplicity, making it practically applicable in daily life.'

- Happinez Magazine

A 2-hour evening with Swami Purnachaitanya covering in-depth knowledge, practical tools, breathwork and meditation.

The registration fee is €45. There are already more than 1800 participants and there are only 150 places left. For everyone aged 15 and over. The session is in Dutch. 

With your registration  you will get a FREE copy of Swami Purnachaitanya's best-selling book: "Looking Inward: Meditating to Survive in a Changing World" (in dutch)

Den Haag
2 nov

Houtrust Kerk,
Beeklaan 535
2 nov , 2023
19 - 21 hs

3 nov

Open Hof
Beethovenlaan 2
3 nov, 2023
19.30 - 21.30 hs

4 nov

Westsingel 30
4 nov, 2023
19.00 - 21.00 hs

5 nov

Multifunctioneel Centrum Berg aan de Maas,
Bergerweg 1
5 nov, 2023
15.30 - 17.30 hs

6 nov

Wittevrouwensingel 28
6 nov, 2023
19 - 21 hs

7 nov

Prins Karelstraat 123
7 nov, 2023
19.30 - 21.30 hs

8 nov

Lutherse Kerk,
Haddingestraat 23
8 nov, 2023
19.30 - 21.30 hs

9 nov

Vondelstraat 120
9 nov, 2023
19.30 - 21.30 hs

10 nov

Randstad 22 - 161
10 nov, 2023
19.30 - 21.30 hs

13 nov

Nieuwe Kerk,
Rosendaalseweg 505
13 nov, 2023
19 - 21 hs

14 nov

De Luifel
Herenweg 96
14 nov, 2023
19.30 - 21.30 hs

16 nov

De Terp,
Kerklaan 4
16 nov, 2023
19.00 - 21.00 hs

17 nov

Waalse Kerk ,
Pierre Baylestraat 1
17 nov, 2023
19.30 - 21.30 hs

18 nov

Koorkerkhof 2
18 nov, 2023
19.30 - 21.30 hs

The day of the Masterclass, you will receive your FREE sample of Swamiji's best-seller book

Objectively, the world as we know it in the last one year has been worse than we have known in our time on earth. From changing social structures, global warming and a pandemic at a macro level, to changing lifestyles, fake news, stress at the micro level, the ramifications of these events affect our health, productivity, and most importantly, leave a lasting impact on our inner peace.

In this practical guide, Swami Purnachaitanya helps you on your personal journey towards finding the root cause of your anxiety, stress and restlessness, using meditation to collect distracted thoughts, soothe the senses and refocus your energy to being present in the moment. The book is a beautiful account of personal experiences, meaningful stories and practical wisdom that he has received from his Master, about learning how our mind works, and how to manage it, so that you can transcend it and access the true source of peace, happiness and support.

In this book on meditation, the reader is guided step-by-step on the journey towards inner peace. Practical examples and easy-to-do-exercises enrich the reading experience. It also explains the difference between mindfulness and meditation.