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  1. Women as Leaders: The Light of Leadership

    Women as Leaders; This kind of phrase usually conjures images of indomitable "Iron Ladies" in sharp suits competing with men in their own world, or Amazon queens on chariots leading their armies with blood curdling ferocity. Far from it though, this new in ...
  2. 1000 Sitarists perform together for world peace

    Lakhs throng to witness a historic concert by the Art of Living Noida: The Art of Living today hosted a historic event, Brahm Naad, where 1000 sitarists performed together on one platform, in a first-of-its-kind concert. Slated to find its way into the Gui ...
  3. Religious literacy not merely philosophical

    Human beings, unlike other species in nature, are born in religion. They are named and then married as per religious ceremonies. When they die, even their final farewell is a religious sacrament. Though one may claim to be non-religious, one's name (even i ...
  4. Ravi Shankar's Mass Meditation for World Peace: 70,000 Gather at World Culture Festival

    For a second, close your eyes and picture this: 70,000 people from around the world assembled in mass meditation, sitting shoulder-to-shoulder in a shared moment of silence, their eyes closed and minds free from any cultural or religious differences. Earli ...
  5. Sri Sri Urges Doctors to Curb Sex-Selection

    Bengaluru: “According to our scriptures killing a girl child is equal to killing a thousand saints,” said spiritual and humanitarian leader, His Holiness Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. He was delivering his inaugural address at the two-day national workshop ...
  6. International Non-Profit Offers Free Yoga Workshops to Bay Area Residents for National Yoga Month

    The Art of Living Foundation, an international non-profit that offers stress reduction, meditation and self-development programs is offering 3 weeks of free Sri Sri Yoga for September, National Yoga Month. Sri Sri Yoga comes directly from the principles of ...
  7. 5000 people learn the Sudarshan Kriya directly from Sri Sri

    Bangalore, 13 Nov. 2011: The Art of Living ashram played host to 5000 people from all walks of life as after almost two decades, Art of Living founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar taught the Sudarshan Kriya directly to the gathered congregation. From Kash ...
  8. On a green mission

    Sanju Soman, an 18-year-old BA Psychology student at SN College, Chempazhanthy, is behind the ‘drive’ and has been continuing his journey for the past six months. He takes a 26-kilometre to-and-fro cycle ride every day from the LMS Hostel in the city, wher ...
  9. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: A yogi doesn't mind criticism at all

    Q) You have been an active participant in the India Against Corruption campaign led by Anna Hazare. However once a spiritual master enters the political arena, he will be criticised like any other politician. Are you prepared for this? Will not your devote ...
  10. Corrupt Times Lead India To Spiritual Leaders

    "The government of India is corrupt." Ask any passerby on the streets of India to confirm this, and they'll agree. Yet the statement, declarative as it is, in fact is old news that the people of India have known for a long time. Corruption, mainly through ...