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  1. Beneficios de la Meditación

      ¿Estás buscando calma, paz mental, alegría, salud vibrante, mayor energía, relaciones positivas y sentirte realizado en la vida? ¿Quieres liberarte del estrés y las preocupaciones? Puedes disfrutar todos estos beneficios y mucho más con la meditación. L ...
  2. Experimenta una Meditación Guiada en Línea

    En los Yogasutras de Patanjali, el gran sabio Patanjali expone las ocho ramas de Yoga.  Estas incluyen Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana y Dhyan o Samadhi. Las primeras siete son la preparación para la última – meditación. De acuerdo a P ...
  3. Find out how to save your child from the Blue Whale danger

    In this digital age, it is difficult to keep children away from social media and Internet games. By the age of 6 or 7, most kids own a mobile phone. They are spending over 3 to 4 hours online daily. These statistics are shocking. We live in a world that i ...
  4. The Beautiful Secret of Water

    Words, words, words. There are words everywhere. Gone are the days when silence and vibes were given utmost preference to communicate. We speak nicely to some, rudely to someone else. We befriend, break hearts, connect and disconnect with our words. Commu ...
  5. Running After A Thing Called the Mind: A Meditator’s Guide

    Everthing’s perfect. The room is quiet, devices are on silent mood and you’re easing into the lotus posture, ready to get into the world of meditation. A dim memory of a bill payment looms up, out of nowhere. Was it due today? No wait, it’s not until four ...
  6. Meditation for Athletics: The Lisette Sevens Story

    These are the meditation experiences from top athlete and Olympic champion (L.A.1984), Lisette Sevens. She has related her experiences with hockey at the international level and the effectiveness of Art of Living for athletes (AOL). She has credited the A ...
  7. I Meditate Africa: An Antidote to Terrorism

    “Violence ends where love begins”. – Gurudev And it is well known that meditation brings more love in people’s lives. While counter terrorism operations and other security enforcement measures will continue at one level, the benefits of meditation should ...