
Search results

  1. Finding Courage on a Tightrope

    Youth Adventure Camp with Anuvuti International organized by YES! Club Nepal In a jungle forest in Nepal, a 20-meter long rope bridge hangs tied between two trees. Clutching a rope tied above, students of Kathmandu’s St. Mary’s High School slowly walk on ...
  2. Art of Meditation (Sahaj Samadhi)

    Deep Rest Effortless Peace Delicate Art Of Doing Nothing Connect to the Source The Art of Meditation (AOM) is a powerful yet effortless technique that allows the conscious mind to experience the silent depths of its own nature. AOM is also known as Sahaj ...
  3. Art of Living Course (Part 1, Art of Breathing)

    With The Art of Breathing Course, the answer to stress is right under your nose. Have you ever been told to breathe in while counting from one to ten? You may have been given this advice to calm down from stress, and noticed that it worked. Did you know t ...
  4. Sri Sri Yoga

    Чиста форма на јога Јога позиции за почетници Јога позиции за почетници Научи јога асани Тело и ум ослободени од стрес Научи јога позиции Pure form of yoga for beginners and seekers Sri Sri Yoga- The path to a stress free body and mind   Welcome to Sri Sr ...
  5. Работилница за јакнење на младината (YES!)

    Joy Dynamism Exuberance Saying YES! To Life Работилницата за јакнење на младината  (YES!) е динамична и забавна програма која ги предизвикува тинејџерите да превземат одговорност за нивниот живот и обезбедува сеопфатен сет на практични алатки за ослободув ...
  6. ART Excel Course – All Round Training in Excellence

    I Am The Sky Innocence Peace Begins With Me Fun Creativity All Round Training in Excellence (Ages 8-13) The ART Excel course supports the overall well-being of children by teaching them a variety of empowering techniques that foster peace of mind, mental ...
  7. AOL’s Yes Plus Seminar For Arabic Speakers

    Tue, 14 June 2011 THE Art of Living (AOL) Middle East successfully completed second group of youth empowerment seminar to help the Omani youth deal with stress, train them to take more responsibility and serve the country. The AOL is planning to conduct a ...
  8. Stress Free Teaching Seminar

    Art of living has initiated with Stress Free Teaching workshops an interactive 1 Hour workshop for School Teachers which covers following areas of teaching. Root cause for stress in teachers Addressing the root cause of any problem Simple exercises to rel ...
  9. Meducon

    MEDUCON or 'Media and Education Conference", is a series of conferences organized by International Association of Human Values (IAHV) supported by UNESCO. Through MEDUCON we along with all the like minded intellectuals and citizens, intend to fi ...
  10. Novice

    This program offers schools a complete solution for a stress-free and dynamic learning environment. It brings up human values such as compassion, friendliness, naturalness and respect in students. It helps teachers to deal with difficult situations, and p ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More