Courses - FAQ 18

What is the best thing to do for children?

... to give them a good education...make them blossom....We have a program called Art Excel - All Round Training in Excellence...If you take a look at a class of forty students, how many does friends does a child have? A handful. I tell children to make one new friend everyday. We need to teach them human values: friendliness, compassion – this awakening and education is what we must strive for.

As a teacher, I have been trying to inculcate human values in my children. Whenever I digress from the usual curriculum, I find them a little bit bored, looking at their watches etc.

You must make it more juicy. Our experience is the other way around. The moment something is different from the curriculum, they simply get glued to it and they want more. Are there any Art Excel teachers here? The children just grab the Art Excel program and they don’t let the teachers go home! Just anything extracurricular may not be interesting but something that is so juicy, which makes them learn interactively and which has games included in it will make them take interest in it.
