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  1. Five years in Tihar, Norwegian learns Art of Living

    New Delhi, December 12: A PRESIDENTIAL directive freed Norwegian Leo Sande Gasnier from Tihar Jail. Gasnier has changed in the five years he served of his 10-year-sentence— From an arrogant man who spat at people in Tihar to becoming a “sadhu”. The 22-yea ...
  2. Our Spiritual Connection to Nature

    The realities explored in science and spirituality are often assumed to be unrelated to one another. Both find their basis in a spirit of inquiry. Modern science is objective analysis, while spirituality is subjective understanding. Science explores the ou ...
  3. BBC: The Interview

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is one of India's best-known spiritual leaders, a man famous for his breathing exercises. He has been called the world's most globalised guru - drawing vast audiences wherever he travels - to hear his message and learn his brea ...
  4. Adding Value to Education

    Only a human values oriented approach in education can impart true intelligence. Today, every parent envisions that their child grow up to be a well educated and happy human being with good values. However, education often fails to fulfill its true goal -- ...
  5. The space within

    The Washington Post You cannot measure the amount of energy inside an atom. Similarly,you cannot measure the full potential of a human being. The nature of a human being is quite similar to that of an atom. The core of an atom is positive. The negatively c ...