Women Empowerment


The Art of Living Foundation’s programmes provide a solid foundation that nurtures the inner strength, creativity and self-esteem of women from all walks of life.
With this base established well, women are able to go out into the world, prepared to handle any challenge with skills, confidence and grace. They come to the forefront, where they become agents of peace and positive social change for themselves, their families, other women and their society.



Our Leader: Katrein

Katrien has dedicated her time to teaching inmates around the world bringing them a new hope of life.                                                                                                                     

"I wish what you wish for: inner peace, inner strength, inner love, understanding and a future. 
I live in the present. All I care about now is love, life,and The Art of Living and the possibility to have a second chance maybe one day." - Marco,a transformed inmate. Read More

    ФОНД ПОМОЩИ ПРИ ТРАВМАХ Измени мир к лучшему Внеси свой вклад в Фонд помощи при травмах Искусство Жизни и присоединяйся к движению