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  1. Can Karma Be Cleared In One Life Time?

    The person at the top, like a Minister or a Governor, or the head of an institution should not get stuck in the bureaucracy. Senior people should sometimes come down and talk to people of every level. Not at all times, but sometimes it helps.In a research ...
  2. Taking Responsibility Brings Healing

    Gurudev, how do I forgive those who have abused me emotionally and physically. I still have to deal with these people daily? Sometimes I feel like killing them but even that doesn’t seem like enough punishment for them. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I want you to ...
  3. Give A Chance For Miracles To Happen

    Laughter is contagious, happiness is contagious, spirituality is contagious and even worries are contagious! What is the difference between Tyaaga and Sanyaasa? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Tyaaga means giving up, and Sanyaasa means being centered and unattached ...
  4. Don't Let Others' Judgement Define You

    Turn every question into wonder, "Wow!" Wonder is the preface for yoga. Yoga does not just mean exercise, it is the union with the universe. The preface of yoga is wonder or 'wow'. Any time you say, "Wow", the mind stops. Nature has provided you with so m ...
  5. No Matter What Keep Your Calm

    It is easy to be a dreamer, it is easy to be a critical realist, how to drop all illusions and expectations and still have a flame in life? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is easy to be in extremes in anything in life, but it takes wisdom to take the middle path ...
  6. The Many Ways To Be Of Service

    God is the Summun Bonum of creation, don’t make him as an object of knowing. God is love, can you see love? You can see love only through the manifested expressions. You can see love in a child's eyes, in a friend’s eyes, or in the eyes of an elderly pers ...
  7. The Divine Will Never Let You Down

    See, as a child you have lived in the present. A child cries and the tears are still on its cheeks and it starts smiling again. But if you're upset, for you to smile again may take many months, and sometimes years. This is why I say, "Live in the present ...
  8. Express A Little And Hide A Little

    (Below is the continuation of the post The Truth Of The Matter) Gurudev, when one gets initiated into Sanyasa (renunciation), then one is asked to burn off the Janeuu (sacred thread worn across the shoulders), and it is considered that one cremated onesel ...
  9. The Truth Of The Matter

    It is not that the truth is different; the difference only lies in the way different people express the truth. Through different ways of expression, we elevate the consciousness that is lying dormant. We try to rekindle the love that is stuck in negativit ...
  10. Perfect Way To Deal With An Imperfect World

    (Below is a continuation of the post The Art Of Being) Why is life so complicated? Why can’t I accept situations more easily? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Why should life be simple? Life is complicated and that is what makes it fun. There is beauty, there is thr ...