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  1. My mirror tells me everyday that I am maturing on outside. Which mirror should I use to measure the growth that is happening inside, my spiritual growth?

    See, are you more calm, are you more fulfilled, satisfied? You feel a sense of expansion. Turn back and see how you were and how you are today. A simple reflection about yourself gives you an idea. ...
  2. Is homosexuality a sin? Is it possible to change the orientation of a human being by Sadhana and Spiritual Practices?

    See, these tendencies come in you because you are made up of both mother and father, a combination of two. Everybody has both male genes and female genes. When male chromosomes are dominating or when female chromosomes are dominating, these tendencies come ...
  3. Is homosexuality a sin? Is it possible to change the orientation of a human being by Sadhana and Spiritual Practices?

    Is homosexuality a sin? Is it possible to change the orientation of a human being by Sadhana and Spiritual Practices? ...
  4. when a certain species of Plant or Animal gets extinct from the Planet, does it have an adverse effect on us? Also, are these species present parallel on other Planets as well?

    Ya, nothing gets extinct like that. It appears to be, but the number goes up and down. For some species to become extinct, it takes a long, long, long time. So, don’t worry. And, there are so many other planets. But we have enough to see and enjoy in this ...
  5. How can we bring this knowledge, of breathing & meditation that is taught through the Art of Living programs, to low-income families and communities?

    You know, the Art of Living Courses are around $200-$300. This is a very small amount and students and seniors, anyways, pay a reduced course contribution. There are expenses when courses are organized. The volunteers have to hire a hall, ge ...
  6. How does Yoga help one in life?

    Yoga increases our qualifications - Yogbrings 'yogyata (Talents)'. Whatever we think that starts to happen.People have started recognizing this secret all over the world. Even in china, ...
  7. Is education all about passing examination and getting good marks. Is it not about something more?

    What do you think? (The person replies) I think it is because of our parents’ attitude that we think so. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, but you shoul ...
  8. Dispassion is what you invoke in yourself

    Dearest Guruji, is it true that every chapter of the Bhagavad Gita has influence on a particular plane? Kindly explain. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Planets are far away, they have an influence on your mind, on your Self. Every chapter has an influence on you.Dea ...
  9. Love strengthens the soul, hatred and sorrow weakens the soul

    Is there something like a good or bad being? If someone is bound by an outer problem, does the negative path follow him? How to get rid of that? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is no good or bad soul. There are strong and weak souls. Strong souls are happy, an ...
  10. While we live we should be happy and allow others to be happy

        Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Every day we have to take some time off to make ourselves peaceful. For this, we need to become aware that all that is there today will not be there someday, like the bubbles in the water. We should know the impermanence. ...