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  1. What Is The Purpose Of Life

    See, what happens in life - you were like these beautiful children, happy, joyful, free and then when you grew up, in due course, what happened, from time to time, negative clouds came on you and you found that something or the other is not good, this or ...
  2. See Divine Behind Everything

    Some people say, "Don’t worry about the world, find your joy and your peace that is more important". Correct, that is the first step, you find your peace. But once you have found your peace, what you do? And when your peace is connected with so many peopl ...
  3. Importance Of Good Company

      The effect of time is both on matter and the mind. You keep an apple over time, it starts to rot, isn't it? When you look at any object, you can know how old it is. So like that time has an impact on matter. Our body changes with time. Similarly time al ...
  4. Take Up The Challenge

    (Below is a continuation of the post Truth Gives You Strength) Gurudev, could you give us a concrete five point agenda that each citizen can do to create a divine society. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: 1) Be stress free - keep your body, mind and spirit free from ...
  5. Truth Gives You Strength

    What is the objective of meditation? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Are you asking me why you should meditate? Let me ask you, why should you sleep? Why should you study? Why do you want entertainment? Why do you want to be healthy? One can live anyway, have you t ...
  6. Dont Worry And Be Happy

    (Below is a continuation of the post The Power of Self Knowledge) You say that youth should be in politics, but most of the youth don’t have the funds to participate in elections. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I will appeal to the Prime Minister that something sh ...
  7. The Power Of Self Knowledge

    How can my meditation affect the world? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The world is all vibrations and if the vibration is harmonious then there is no conflict. If the vibrations we emit has disharmony then it will definitely create disturbance.This is common expe ...
  8. Achieve Nectar Through Renunciation

    When we are in activity, our mind is always focused in the front of the body. Close your eyes now, you’ll feel your mind is in front because the mind goes through the eyes to look at the world, and through the ears. During activity the mind is mostly focu ...
  9. Share Because You Care

    (Below is a continuation of post Eternal Source of Energy) Gurudev, ages ago, continents and their cultures used to be one. What is the purpose of bringing all cultures together during the World Culture Festival? The continents are not going to come back ...
  10. The Eternal Source Of Energy

    What is the purpose of Sadhana (spiritual practices)? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: To be yourself! When prana level is low - you feel upset, angry, dejected and not so good. When prana level is even lower - you feel life is not worth living. When prana level is ...