10 October 2012 - QA 7

Gurudev, is it auspicious to have a Peepal (Bodhi) tree at home?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, it is very good and very auspicious. Having a Bodhi tree in front of your home is like having God himself standing there.
This is what Lord Krishna says, ‘Among the tree, I am Ashvattha’, (Peepal or Bodhi tree).
The Bodhi tree is so significant because all 24 hours a day, it gives out only oxygen. So it is very good to have this tree in front of your home.

There are people who say that it is not very good to have a Tamarind tree in front of the house. I don’t know what vibration it has, but this is what is said.
Now if there is a Tamarind tree in front of your home, I would say, don’t cut it down, just plant something else around it.