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  1. FAQ8

    What is meant by ‘seva’? You sometimes speak about it in your press releases. ‘Seva’ is a Sanskrit word meaning service. Sanskrit being the language of ancient yoga teachers, whose techniques have been adapted for modern life by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shank ...
  2. FAQ7

    You often cooperate with the International Association for Human Values. What is the connection between the two organizations? The Art of Living closely cooperates with the International Association for Human Values; both organizations being founded by Gu ...
  3. FAQ6

    FAQ question:  In your websites you speak about ‘spiritual’ values. Doesn’t that mean The Art of Living is a religious organization? FAQ answer:  No, it is not a religious organization. By ‘spiritual values’ we mean universal human values like friendship, ...
  4. FAQ5

    FAQ question:  How do the finances work? Some of your programs are paid, like the Part 1 course, and others like trauma relief support are sponsored by the organisation? FAQ answer:  Part of the financing of our humanitarian efforts come from charitable d ...
  5. FAQ3

    FAQ question:  You are a charitable organization – so why do you have course contribution for your courses? FAQ answer:  We do indeed contribution charges for our Art of Living Part 1 courses, courses for children, teenagers, students and so on. The incom ...
  6. FAQ2

    What is the profile of the organization? Is the organization a charity? A training organization? It is both. We do provide a range of training courses as well as engage in small and large-scale charitable ventures. In fact, these apparently diverse activi ...
  7. FAQ1

    FAQ question:  What are the goals of the Art of Living Foundation? FAQ answer:  A stress-free and violence-free society; to encourage people from all backgrounds, religions, and cultural traditions to come together in celebration, meditation and service. ...
  8. Celebrating Women

    The 2nd International Women’s Conference Date: June 8-10, 2007 Gurudev speaks: His Holiness Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s inaugural address on June 8, 2007 Good ideas come to you when you are relaxed. For your intuition to be heightened, for the Gnana Sh ...
  9. Gujjar Issue

    In June, he worked to defuse the violence and tension that had engulfed the Indian state of Rajasthan following an agitation by the Gujjar community demanding recognition as a backward community (scheduled tribe status) and reservation benefits. At a time ...
  10. Knowledge Workshops

    Knowledge Workshops are courses based on lectures given by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, for example,the Bhakti Sutras, Patanjali’s Yogasutras (a commentary to a classic Yoga text) or the Ashtavakra Gita, which covers many deep issues but turns on the sto ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More