Courses - FAQ 15

Regarding the applicability of sustainable development or human values to the conflict in the middle east to Iraq to Afghanistan. I would ask if you have any particular insights you feel that you would like to offer?

You know now we can go on analyzing the past, whatever happened, speak for or against any action or opinion, but that will not lead us anywhere now or in the future. What is needed now is a trauma relief programs that people can do today. Millions of people are suffering from post-war trauma. They are unable to sleep, they are unable to eat, and they are unable to get along with their lives or think about the future. So we are planning to open further trauma relief centers as we did already in Kosovo, in Bosnia, the former Yugoslavia, and Sedonia and Russia and also in Kashmir and where we had a lot of terrorist problems. Art of Living trauma relief centers also make use of Sudarshan Kriya and other powerful breathing techniques from Art of Living courses in the context of programs directly addressing the circumstances of trauma sufferers.
