Ms. V. P. Rajini Reddy

She founded the business in 1999, now we have 600+ direct employees from which 40% are women. This industry is conducive to women; hence lots of women are opting to have a career in IT. They have 200 indirect employees in rural areas who are their vendor networks. They encourage women entrepreneurs to set up small units where they give them business.
The IT industry is conducive to women as they have a flare for analytical work, they are good at multi tasking, the career offers flexi-time or part time opportunities, work from home in some locations/jobs. They also have some deaf and dumb people, who are very good at the work once they are trained well.
They have set up a school called EXCEL where they take the graduates from rural areas and train them in all aspects of technology, soft skills, team building even on etiquettes, then they absorb them into the company.
When the girls in the company got married, they felt unhappy to leave their career behind where they started off, so they came up with an idea where they tied up with a matrimony company. The company then provided the girls with list of potential matches in the area, the girls would choose from there and it became an instant hit. The girls didn't need to resign and the company didn't loose the trained girls, this is the power of technology, finding grooms just round the corner, whereas before, one wouldn't know he existed.

Sound Bites

  • We want to put a representation to the government to make it compulsory to have at least one woman representative on all Boards of companies.

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