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  1. Is taking ‘Guru Diksha’ compulsory before choosing a Guru?

    You don’t have to choose a Guru. The Guru Tattva is present in every good thing you learn in life, and wherever you learn it from. Mother is your first Guru. As you grow older, there will be teachers who provide you education. Similarly, in each phase of ...
  2. Gurudev, how do I know you – the Guru, beyond the body? How do I understand the Guru? My understanding feels very small for this.

    When you realize that your understanding is beginning to fall short that itself is enough. Just relax and repose in yourself. This is what love is. Love means what? Abheda - I am not different from him and he is not different me. See, when ...
  3. When did you realized that you are meant to be Guruji?

    There is a nice story in the Ramayana. That was a stray dog that was walking on the street and someone threw a stone at the dog and chased it. So the dog went to court. It is said that in Lord Rama’s court, everyone got justice, even anima ...
  4. Gurudev, in our Hindu mythology it is said that this Earth is resting on the hood of a cobra, and when the cobra rises up, this entire Earth shakes. What is the secret behind this is.

    See there are two kinds of Earthly forces, one is Centripetal force and the other is Centrifugal force. The movement of these forces is not straight but they have a snake like movement. This fact was known to our ancestors. The Earth is not resting on a sn ...
  5. Gurudev, those whom we love, we are unable to make them understand our perspective. How do you know the thoughts in our mind?

    That is my personal secret! You also become a meditation teacher. You will also understand. Become an Art of Living teacher. ...
  6. Gurudev, these days the world is teeming with Gurus; how to figure out who is a real Guru?

    Oh ho! How can I tell you? Ask your heart. Your heart will tell. Is this right or wrong? Look within yourself. Don’t go outside. Don’t be greedy. Ask your heart. When you are a true seeker, you will only find a true Guru. Yo ...
  7. What is the best way to forgive and forget?

    Give it to me! Drop it. Anybody that you cannot forgive or anything that is bothering you, I am here to take all that. The Guru is there to take all your problems and challenges away. So you can just push it here. ...
  8. Gurudev, do we really need a Guru in life?

    Do you need an answer to this question? One who answers a question becomes the Guru and the one who listens becomes a shishya (disciple). Having asked this question, you are caught. Since you have asked this question, you have said, ‘I need a Guru’! It ...
  9. Gurudev, what is the difference between a Guru and a Sadguru?

    There is no difference, they are the same. One who doesn’t have the virtue of truth in him can’t be called a Guru. It is an adjective, nothing else. ...