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  1. Dearest Gurudev, what is Guru Mandala, please explain!

    When you try to go near a Guru, many things come around on the way – that is called Guru Mandala. At first you get many distractions. And when you pass those, then many charming things will come. Siddhis will come, cravings and av ...
  2. Dear Guruji, why do I cry in satsangs and in some of The Art of Living Courses?

    Why do you cry? I think you should laugh, isn’t it? Smile! There is a shloka (verse) in the Upanishad which says, ’Bidhyanti hridaya granthi, Chidyanthe sarva samshayaha. Ksheenatechaasya karmani, Yasmin driste paraavare.’
  3. Gurudev, what can I do for you?

    I would like you to keep this question and from time to time do whatever is necessary. There can’t be just one answer for this. This is like a path on which we tread many times. Right now, I want you to be happy. Be immersed in this knowledge and shar ...
  4. Did you choose us to be here or is it just a coincidence? Why are there not more people like us here benefiting from this?

    Do you see the hall is full; we can’t take any more here. Never mind whether I chose you or you chose me, we are all here. We are all enjoying and having a good time. The way to keep this joy, this high energy, happiness is to spread it out to everybody. Y ...
  5. Can a person have more than one Guru?

    One itself is very difficult to handle. If you have been on some other path with some Guru, know that it is their blessings only that has brought you here today. So thank them. It is because of them only that you took one step and you came here. ...
  6. Please comment on this. I see so many people who are very close to you. I feel that I am not special. How do I feel the personal connection with you? I feel it is necessary to have personal connection in order to be 100% on the path.

    Certain things you should assume, and this is one of the things that you should assume – we have a personal connection; that is it, full stop. Now, don’t question it another time. No point in questioning your connection. We are all connected. There i ...
  7. Dear Guruji, people sometimes give me the feeling of being invisible. What to do about that? Please give my family a blessing.

    Invisible, meaning people don’t recognize you? Never mind. That is even better. When nobody recognizes you, nobody has any demands from you. You know, being a Guru is a very big job. So many demands are there! You have to be watchful and alert every minute ...
  8. Gurudev, sometimes I wish that when I answer the doorbell I see you standing outside my door. I wish that when my phone rings it is you calling and I hear your voice. For someone who does sadhana regularly, everything is possible. So shall I wait for my wish to come true?

    Yes, absolutely. I will tell you something. One day, I left the Ashram and only one person accompanied me. We just left quietly and nobody knew where we went. So, we drove to a faraway village. On the way I asked the driver to stop the car outside a s ...
  9. What is the distance between the feet of a mother and the feet of a Guru?

    There could be some selfishness in a mother, but not in a Guru. ...