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  1. Truth Bliss And Consciousness

    Please explain the meaning of the shloka, “Aapyaya swasametute shwatasoma vishnayam bhavavaajas syasangate”. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Aapyaya means a lovely atmosphere. Appa means very close or very near. Aapyaya means that which brings a very lovely atmosph ...
  2. Wake Up And Be In The Moment

    Arjuna was shaking, shivering, and Krishna smiles and says to Arjuna, "Speak like a great scholar, like someone who is enlightened. You should be ashamed of yourself, just look at your state. You are grieving for something which you should not grieve for. ...
  3. The Mantra Of Love

    You should keep a peaceful and happy heart. The mantra of love is – no one is the other, or an outsider. And the mantra of knowledge is also – no one is an outsider. With the same motto we are hosting a World Culture Festival – Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (one ...
  4. Learn To Be Equanimous

    After a desire is fulfilled, we feel content. How to be in a state of contentment even before the desire is fulfilled? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When you have the confidence that your desire will be fulfilled, then you can be content. But this is not easy, it ...
  5. Women Are Naturally Spiritual

    Sri Sri Ayurveda Medial College graduates just told me that in the history of Medical Science colleges, no batch has ever held 50% distinctions. Our kids have created history with 100% pass results, out of which 50% are rank holders. This shows how dedica ...
  6. Life Is A Journey Into The Unknown

    There was a saint called Annamacharya, today is his birthday. He wrote the song that we just heard. He wrote about rising above caste and creed and seeing the oneness of mankind. He wrote about the presence of God in everyone’s heart and that there is onl ...
  7. The Best Way To Beat Loneliness

    People don't like to mix with me. I feel alone, what should I do? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If other people don't like you, then just let it be. Just know that the divine likes you. No need to feel bad about these things.Where is loneliness, tell me? Look at ...
  8. Honor Everything In Creation

    Save your mind and use your brain. Mostly, we save our brain and use our mind more, and, this is where we get into problems. We keep our minds so fragile that even a small thing throws us off balance and we go on with that for so long and feel so unhappy, ...
  9. Staying Calm Under Pressure

    (Below is a continuation of the post Honor Everything In Creation) Will all teachers become enlightened? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You must first ask whether this is what every teacher wants. . Only when all desires have been wiped out, will you find mukti. S ...
  10. Balancing Creativity And Productivity

    There is nothing better than meditation to bring calmness to the mind! Gurudev, sometimes our prayers get a little delayed in getting answered, is this because the number of your devotees are increasing day by day? How do you keep up with the demands of y ...