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  1. Stay Centered At All Times

    If the purpose of life is to attain liberation, is there any value for all the time we spend on our education, profession and career? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Each one has its own place. You need to do both. To make a living, you need to work, and to grow on ...
  2. Strength Lies In Unity

    (Below is the  keynote address of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar  at the Inaugural function of the Youth Solidarity Uprising Hindu Maha Yagna in Kuala Lumpur on the 4th June 2016) Respected Gentlemen on stage, my dear brothers and sisters! Only if we all are ...
  3. Commitment Is The Key To Success

      Do you know what is a sign of good health? A cool head, a soft belly and warm feet. This is a sign of good health. When your body, mind and spirit - everything is in place then everything is okay. If you find that your feet are cold, head is hot and you ...
  4. The Beauty Of The Master's Plan

    (Below is a continuation of the post Life Moves With Trust) We all make plans and execute them. Do you have a master plan for all of us? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes. It is the master's plan that is working to make you all smile unconditionally. What is the ...
  5. Life Moves With Trust

    What is the true dimension of yoga? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yoga is connecting with the truth. It is going beyond the constraints of the mind and connecting with what is, and that is truth. I have a doubt about Lord Krishna's saying, 'Samshayatma Vinashyati ...
  6. Overcome Your Fear Right Now

    How do we get over negative thoughts and fear? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Hand me your fears and leave them with me. When I am here to receive it, why don’t you give it away? Why don’t you take my words to your heart? If you did, then you would have already ha ...
  7. Feel One With Everyone And Celebrate

    'Main Tera' (13th May) in Hindi, if you play around with the word, also means 'I belong to you'. Yesterday, I belonged to you, today, I belong to you and tomorrow also I am yours. 'This is mine', 'That is yours', all this is a limited perspective of an ig ...
  8. Nature Takes Care Of All Your Needs

      Dinesh Chaudhary from Surat did a research and found that within 45 days of practicing Sudarshan Kriya and using Sakti Drops, Psoriasis (a condition in which skin cells build up and form scales and itchy, dry patches) was healed up to 95%.Another studen ...
  9. Adi Shankaracharya went around and had debates to bring people back onto the right path; bringing unity while preserving the main philosophies. Is a similar thing needed in today’s world also. How?

    Yes, spirituality needs to be uplifted. 2000 years ago, people were so much caught in rituals that they forgot the real essence, the real knowledge and the experience of meditation. They forgot spirituality. So that needs to be revived. Nature takes car ...
  10. Moving Between Destiny And Free Will

    If our very building blocks, the molecules and atoms are moving all the time, is there really anything that is still? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: 'Space' - The background in which everything is moving - the self, the space - that is still. In business, should t ...