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  1. How do I enjoy life if it is going to get finished one day? This thought doesn’t let me enjoy.

    It should make you appreciate life more. See, a flower is going to wither away but don’t you enjoy looking at the flower? You have a gulab jamun (an Indian sweet), ice creams, once you eat it’s going to finish but don’t you enjoy it? N ...
  2. What shall we do to always be happy, because as I know your concept is to relax and attain happiness by that?

    What to do to always be happy? First, drop the feverishness to hold onto ALWAYS and you will find yourself happy. And then, if some moments of unpleasantness creep into life, accept that also. ...
  3. Human beings will always be imperfect, then how does one see Godliness in a human?

    Who says human beings are always imperfect? Inside human beings, there is Godliness. Wake that Godliness up. Move from one perfection to another and not from imperfection to imperfection. Either you can see fault with everything, like milk gets ...
  4. In spite of spiritual inclination, some melodramatic tragedies keep on happening. Why is this so?

    Tragedy is tragedy when you are affected. There is no explanation for some phenomenon. Why accidents happen, why do people die? It is these moments when you say “Why me?” You know, the ‘Why’ in the mind is associated with misery ...
  5. If somebody is being guilty for the wrong done but may be because of ego He is not able to talk, what should one do?

    You being in victim consciousness and having rage and anger, does it help you any way to carry on your life? Absolutely not! Waste of time, waste of your potential and life. So we must forgive, forget and move on. You hurt someone in the past and somebo ...
  6. Does thoughts happen by previous Karma or impressions in the mind?

    Karma is nothing but impressions in the mind and brings about similar thoughts. Ya, it is very much possible. ...
  7. There are two concepts: Re-incarnation and heaven and hell. Please speak about them!

    Re-incarnation is very scientific. Matter and energy cannot be destroyed. Mind is energy! It has been scientifically proven that re-incarnation happens. You can read more! ...
  8. When we take rebirth when does the old soul enter the body?

    Rebirth happens! So many times we have died and taken birth. Soul can enter the womb at any one of the three times: at the time of conceiving, or the 3rd month of pregnancy, or at the time of birth. Many souls race and from these souls only one gets the ...
  9. Guruji what is the difference between love and attraction?

    Attraction is short lived, but love lasts much longer. Love takes you in, the other is exterior! ...
  10. What are the ingredients to be successful? How come Lord Krishna found Success in everything He does?

    For success in life you need yukti (skill) and shakti (strength), Bhakti (Devotion ) and Mukti (Freedom). Freedom and love in personal life! Without freedom you will find no love and without love there is no joy. Freedom doesn’t mean doing anythi ...