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  1. What should be the place of money in the quest for life?

    The problem arises when you carry money not only in your pocket but in your head also! Also what is the use of thinking about it all the time if your pockets are empty? Money is the means and not an end in itself. Have faith that you will get whatever m ...
  2. I know that destiny plays an important role in life. Our failures and success in life are connected to destiny. But what role are we playing in our lives?

    You make the destiny. What you did yesterday is a tomorrow’s destiny, and what you do now is destiny day after. ...
  3. I was wondering what exactly the mind is. Is it a little space in our brain or is it universal? And yes, I want to tell you that you rock.

    Mind is energy which is all over the body. See, every cell in your body is emitting some energy and the totality of all that energy around you is what you call the mind. Mind is not present at some point in the brain, but mind is all over the body. There i ...
  4. Guruji, what importance, if any, should we hold on to what the Pundits, Astrologers and the Psychics say about our future and its course?

    Take it with a pinch of salt. Take it lightly, everything will change. You know, what your Astrologer says, you don’t have to believe one hundred percent. Astrology is a science, but not all astrologers are scientists. You have to take it with a p ...
  5. Between karma and good luck, which is more important? Does our karma play any role in deciding one’s luck?

    When you are in front of the television, do you listen to the voice first or watch the screen? They happen simultaneously, isn’t it? In the same way, both karma and luck are important. When we perform appropriate actions, then we become fortunate. ...
  6. Can you please tell how does one get rid of doubt?

    You know, doubt is always about something positive. You always doubt the honesty of a person and never the dishonesty. When someone tells you, "I love you", you ask, “really?” When someone tells you, “I hate you”, you n ...
  7. Beloved Guruji, I have been practicing to give a percentage of my income to uplift the society for the last twenty years. Would you please elaborate on the idea and power of charity as a spiritual practice? Love and Gratitude!

    Ya ya, giving something back to the society is very important. You know, there is a proverb that says, “Rice is purified by a drop of ghee on it, the money is purified with charity”. Rice or any food, starch or carbohydrates quickly gets digested, but it t ...
  8. Is money a prior requirement in order to feel happy?

    There is no doubt that you need some money for your day to day survival. But, money cannot buy you happiness. It’s knowledge or wisdom that brings you happiness. ...