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  1. Here is Why You Must Not Judge or Blame

    Recognize Your Tendency to Judge and Blame We all have this tendency – we judge ourselves too much, or we judge others. Either you start blaming yourself, or you blame somebody else. Either you find you are not right, or you find that someone else is not ...
  2. The Best Form of Donation

    What is donation? To give people what they need is donation, not what you feel like giving. If you donate clothes to somebody who already has many clothes, it is of no use. Instead, give clothes to people who need clothes. Similarly, giving food to somebo ...
  3. 4 Attitudes That Are Good To Have

    A strong mind can carry around a weak body, but a weak mind cannot carry even a strong body. These are the four attitudes that will help you keep a peaceful state of mind. There are four kinds of attitudes that are good to have in life. 1 Friendliness Bei ...
  4. How To Develop Virtues

    You Are the Source of All Virtues As human beings, we have tremendous qualities and virtues. You don’t have to look for virtues outside – you are the source of all virtues. But in the stress of day-to-day life, these virtues get hidden. A seed has a membr ...
  5. Why It Is Important To Be Generous

      "Give in such a way that the other does not even feel they have taken. This is generosity, and this is the beauty. Two Internal Tendencies Taking from another Giving to another Which value system we are imbibing in our children is worth noting. If our ch ...