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  1. What Are Signs of Intelligence?

    Buddha means the enlightened, and also the super intelligent. Buddhi in Sanskrit means intelligence, and there are four signs of intelligence. 1 Alertness The first sign of intelligence is being alert. You can’t say that I am intelligent but I am a little ...
  2. Explore your potential- A Transcript of Gurudev's Message on 7th November 2017 at Chitkara University

    Do you know the meaning of the word Jayakara? Where there is victory, the joyous cry or sound one makes for victory is called Jayakara. In the same way, Chitkara means the place where one’s spirit awakens and is uplifted. Chitta also means spirit in Hindi ...
  3. 4 epic management mantras for success

    It is easy to create a company and it is easy to prosper as well, but the real challenge lies in sustaining a company, which is also the underlying factor that decided whether you are successful or not. Here are four management mantras or pointers by Guru ...
  4. 5 Things You Can Do to Make India Unstoppable

    This independence day, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shares 5 things you can do as an Indian to make India unstoppable: #1 Take pride in your roots The youngsters today should be proud of their roots. If they are not proud of their roots then that will sho ...
  5. 4 Ways of Dealing with Challenging People

    When someone does something wrong or misbehaves with us, what do we do? In our day-to-day lives, we come across challenging situations or exchanges with people where we aren’t sure what the right approach to deal with the situation is. The following four ...
  6. How to Communicate Effectively?

    The king and the astrologer I want to tell you a story! Once, an astrologer went to visit a king. The king showed great reverence to the astrologer, made him sit down, and honored him with gifts. The king then showed his palm and the charts to astrologer. ...
  7. 10 Steps to Improve Communication Skills

    With the right communication skills, we can turn any negative situation into a positive one. In this article, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shares 10 steps one can take to develop effective communication at work and in personal relationships. Effective Com ...
  8. How to Handle Office Politics

    "Water is never scared of mud. If something is muddy, assume you are water – and you can wash it all off. Just remember this!" Click To Tweet #1 Wherever there are people, politics is bound to be there. Don’t shy away from it and don’t worry about it – you ...
  9. 10 Qualities Of An Effective Leader

    "A good leader is truthful, equanimous, transparent, farsighted and has a pleasant personality. He or she has a mission, a vision, a spirit of sacrifice, compassion and commitment." Leadership is a manifestation of strong love and compassion for people. It ...