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  1. 3 signs of deep meditation: says an expert master of our times

    By Sejal Shah | Posted: March 29, 2019 If you are new to meditation, you may wonder whether it’s working or doing any good for you. But even some experienced meditators have these kinds of questions! Often, meditation can feel like you have taken time off ...
  2. These 2 Tips Will Help You Create the Most Peaceful Meditation Space Ever

    By Paige Leigh Reist┃Posted: April 2, 2019 Meditation can be done anywhere, at any time, but having a peaceful space completely dedicated to expanding and deepening your practice can have an overwhelmingly positive impact on your growth. Luckily, you don’ ...
  3. What do Black Holes and Meditators have in Common? Everything.

    By Shalini Parekh┃Posted: April 24, 2019 I teach meditation and yoga and seek to understand the intersection of the mystical and the cosmos, based on the knowledge enunciated in ancient Indian texts like the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Yog Vasistha and ...
  4. The Power of Silence (Part 2): How It Can Broaden Your Vision

    By Elizabeth Herman┃Posted: April 28, 2019 Philip Fraser has been teaching the Art of Silence course since the early 1990s, and has seen hundreds of people transformed by the program. Recently, we spoke with Philip about his observations, and how the Art ...
  5. The Power of Silence (Part 3): What We Do and How It Benefits Us

    By Elizabeth Herman┃Posted: April 28, 2019 We sat down with Philip Fraser to talk about the Art of Silence course, which he started teaching in the early 1990s. He currently teaches it every few months. Here, he describes in detail the process of this cou ...
  6. The 8 Coolest Meditation Secrets to Quickly Boost Your Mental Health

    By Sejal Shah┃Posted: May 17, 2019 Meditation, simply put, is nothing but mental hygiene: clearing out the daily mental garbage and junk so that you can get in touch with your real Self and tune up your talents and skills and enhance your mental health. I ...
  7. Meditate for Wish Fulfillment: 4 Ways to Manifest Your Heart’s Desires

    By Elizabeth Herman | Posted: June  12, 2019 Once you hear about the benefits of meditation, it becomes reasonable to ask, will daily meditation help me? If you’re considering a regular meditation practice, you should know that a recent study showed that ...
  8. Start Your Meditation Practice with these Easy Mindful Breathing Tips

    By Nelri Smit | Posted: July 03, 2019 “The man who moves mountains begins by carrying away small stones.”- Confucius You’re already convinced of the benefits of meditation.   You’ve been motivated before to begin a practice--but before you know it, a mont ...
  9. Meditation and Mental Health: Here's What the Latest Studies Say

    Meditation, simply put, is a delicate art of doing nothing. Throughout the busy, chaotic reality of our regular days, meditation gives us a much-needed pause to sit in stillness and silence, so that we can get in touch with our real, beautiful, and blissf ...
  10. Daily Meditation Nourishes Your Soul: Find Calm Beyond Chaos

    By Raina Fadel | Posted: July 26, 2019 Modern society, with its technological innovations and ever-changing needs, demands a fast pace. This style of living can take its toll on our well-being, either making us disinterested or less passionate about what ...