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  1. Best Guided Meditations for You

    Meditation is enormously relaxing; the benefits are there for all to see. But how do you get started? Sit down, close your eyes and then what? Do you feel a little bit lost? Wondering if you are doing it right? If so, guided meditations are just what you ...
  2. Why Meditate for a healthy Lifestyle?

    Healthy Food Somethings to ponder upon: How often does my meal have some healthy items? Do I normally eat more/less than my body requires? Well, food is a very important source of energy; so eating the right amount and the right type of food at the right ...
  3. Mindfulness Through Meditation

    The one who says meditation is for the old or someone who sits at the foothills of Himalayas probably needs to revisit the thought. Meditation is like a kaleidoscope. Every time you change the angle of the kaleidoscope, you get a different, beautiful pict ...
  4. Five Tips for Men to Make Meditation a Habit (part-2)

    Tip #3: Take A 60-day Meditation Challenge Having convinced yourself of the benefits of meditation and having decided on your technique, we suggest that you resolve to practice for a certain period of time, such as 60 days. Some people find keeping a jour ...
  5. Five Tips For Men To Make Meditation A Habit (part-1)

    Are you a busy man who appreciates the value of meditation but finds it difficult to practice regularly? Perhaps after a long day at the office, you just want to blob out in front of the TV? Or maybe you’re enjoying life in the fast lane and feel that reg ...
  6. I Meditate Calgary – Revitalizing Calgarians through Meditation (part-1)

    A dynamic Art of Living teacher, Pooja Tolani, has spent the last 12 years travelling across different countries conducting various Art of Living courses and bringing peace of mind to thousands of people. Her travels have taken her from Nagaland, where sh ...
  7. I Meditate Calgary – Revitalizing Calgarians through Meditation (part-2)

    This is continued from I Meditate Calgary (Part-1) Q4. A lot of people want to do something for their country and want to bring peace to their country but don’t know how? So, how can someone use the platform to be a friend for change? Pooja: I think it’s ...
  8. Online Guided Meditation

    Different moments, different emotions, one solution to feel, the way you want to feel!   If you'd like to choose a meditation to suit how you're feeling now, choose from the options below.       Feeling stressed and frustrated?  Want to 'st ...
  9. Meditation for sleep: Release your worries

    ‘It was just a dream back then,’ said a friend when he spoke of the yester years.  “‘Just a dream?,” I thought. The importance of something is known only in its absence, it is said; likewise, dreams perhaps matter a lot to those who even struggle to have ...
  10. Make meditation your practice- 2

    This is continued from Can't Stick to Your Meditation Practice? (Part-1) #4 choose a meditation technique that you enjoy and find effective and stick to it It is better not to keep changing techniques. We suggest practising either Sahaj Samadhi Medit ...