Lets play a game!


There are simple signs that can tell us if our immune system is in a good condition. Take this Quiz to find out what they are, and see what you need to improve!



Very Strong!


Your health is in good shape! Keep up with your healthy lifestyle practices! You can add these to your lifestyle:

1) Yoga & Breathing Practices

2) Meditation


Needs Work!


You have to pay more attention to your body and take care of your health. 

Here's what you can do:

1) Yoga & Breathing Practices

2) Meditation

3) Have a fixed routine

4) Try to sleep before 11 PM

5) Eat fresh and light food

6) Walk for at least 30 minutes in the day!



Which of these best describes you?


Which of these best describes you?



Which of these best describes you?



Which of these best describes you?



Which of these best describes you?



Which of these best describes you?



Which of these best describes you?



Which of these best describes you?